Ahaha, I only read five books this month! Holy crap... So much for getting my butt in gear to make up for last month. Weirdly though, I am ahead of schedule. Just not as ahead of schedule as I would like to be, so I guess I can't complain about that too too much.
How did your month go?
Read(includes 0 DNFs)

(to see these reviews, click their covers on the sidebar)

2013 Challenges Update
2013 TBR Pile

2013 Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge
Goal: 16+ Books
Last Year: 30 Books
This Year: 49 Books
(+6 DNF)
Let Me Count The Ways
Page Goal: 6,001 - 8,000 pages
Page Total: 13,619
Favorite Read of the Month
In the town of Dunlowe, being different can be deadly. No one knows this better than the seven girls born on the exact same day, at the exact same time. From birth, they've been feared, judged, and controlled. And yet, still loved by their families. Still hoping for a future. Still believing that acceptance would one day come. As their seventeenth birthday approaches, events occur that leave Cecily Daye and the other girls grasping with the possibility that their oppressors might have been right about them all along. Maybe they are as evil as the town has believed. But without an answer, they must make a choice when the town turns on them: to die or to run to the one place no person would follow—they must enter The Wild Wood.