Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - People have been recommending the Outlander series to me for years now but I just got around to starting it. I had been putting it off in part because the books are so large. Also I just didn't know enough about the series to have any idea if I would enjoy it. When I won a copy of Outlander from the Library Thing Early Reviewers program, I knew it was time to give the series a try. Although I still have no desire to see the new television series based on the novels, I did enjoy the book and will keep reading the series. I was put off somewhat by the numerous sex scenes throughout the book and their graphic nature but the story, characters, and setting compelled me to keep reading.
Fly Away by Kristin Hannah - This is the sequel to Firefly Lane which I read earlier this summer. This is the story of Tully's life after Kate passes away. Can she repair any of the damage she has done in her relationships with Kate's family? While this story captured me, it was in a different way than Firefly Lane had. The majority of the book is spent in Tully's memories allowing her to gain a new perspective on events. Kate's family must also remember and reinterpret events to have any hope of mending their own broken relationships. I felt this book brought Kate and Tully's story to a very satisfying conclusion.
Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls - This book is described as a "true life novel" because the main character, Lily Casey Smith was the grandmother of the author. Much of the novel is her actual life experiences with the details made up to fill in the gaps. This was the shortest book I read in August and I loved that most chapters were only a few pages long. This made the book easy to put down when I needed to turn my attention to other things. I gained a new respect for life on the ranch and loved Lily's determination to make her own life when all the odds seemed stacked against her. Half Broke Horses was a quick and interesting novel.
Currently Reading: Otherworld Nights by Kelley Armstrong (October 2014) - the first of three books containing short stories and novellas set in the Otherworld.
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