August 7th is... National Sea Serpent Day, Beach Party Day, National Lighthouse Day, Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day, Purple Heart Day, Raspberries 'n Cream Day, Professional Speakers Day, National Night Out™ (1st Tuesday)
PLUS - interesting books to read and free printables, papercrafts, kid crafts, activities and coloring pages...

-- Reports of unidentified marine animals often referred to by the probable misnomer of
sea serpentscontinue to be the most compelling form of cryptozoological matter to many researchers, and it seems those who have disregarded all such accounts as mere oarfish or giant squid have little knowledge of the intriguing cases in this area of study. Source
Read: Field Guide to Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents, and Other Mystery Denizens of the Deep by Loren Coleman
-- From the serpentine
Champieof Lake Champlain to the venerable
Nessieof Loch Ness, extraordinary - and unexplained creatures of the deep - have been reported in sightings throughout the twentieth century. Now, two of the world's leading cryptozoological investigators provide a globetrotting field guide to when, where, and what kind of mysterious aquatic beasts have gripped the public — and sometimes the scientific — imagination. Filled with comprehensive drawings, classifications, and maps, their book offers an invaluable and unusual resource for the intrepidly curious to investigate these sightings firsthand, or to simply enjoy the fascinating accounts that others have given.

• Brent the Sea Serpent Glass Figurine -- Not only are they cute and collectible, but each one also has its own story-telling biography and birth date.
• Cecil The Sea Serpent Coil -- Measures over 15-feet in length. Brighten up the pool, lake or beach with brilliant color.
Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities and Crafts:
• Cyrus The Unsinkable Sea Serpent Worksheet
• 0+ Sea Serpent Coloring Pages
• Fantasy RPG - Sea Serpent Free Papercraft Download
• Simple Sea Serpent Papercraft
• Sea Serpent Games and Activities
• A to Z Kids Stuff: Sea Serpents
• Swimming Sea Serpent Craft
• Printable Loch Ness Monster Craft