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Audible Suno: Free Audiobooks with 3D Audio Effects

Posted on the 24 May 2020 by Jyoti Arora @Jy0tiAr0ra
Audible Suno: Free audiobooks with 3D audio effectsAudible Suno: Free audiobooks with 3D audio effects

Audible Suno is the latest offering by Amazon's Audible. Amazon's Kindle Store is the biggest retailer of eBooks. Similarly, Amazon's Audible is the biggest retailer of Audiobooks. Now, with Audible Suno, Amazon has also stepped into the audio series space. And as of now, this service is completely free!

What is Audible Suno?

Audible Suno is a new service by Amazon Audible. It has many fiction and non-fiction audio series. Many of these feature voices of celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan, Tabbu, Neelesh Misra, and Devdutt Pattanaik. These audios have a dramatic style, including 3D sound effects.

I've been trying Audible Suno for the past couple of days. I can tell you that if you use a good quality headset to listen to its content, you'll love the quality of the narration and sound effects.

How Audible Suno series are different from Audible audiobooks?

I have not listened to many audiobooks. But what little I've heard told me that when you listen to an audiobook, you hear one narrator taking you through the book. This narrator is trained to use his or her voice modulations to enact the emotions of the book. But still, it is only one narrator with no background score.

The content on Audible Suno, on the other hand, is more dramatic. It uses the narrator, actors, and various sound effects to make the story or non-fiction content come alive to you.

Free audiobooks:

The audiobooks on Audible are paid. You can only listen to them if you subscribe to the Audible service. And currently, the Audible subscription costs Rs. 199 per month in India.

The content on Audible Suno is very much like audiobooks, with added effects. And as of now, this content is completely free and doesn't even require registration or sign-in. This means you get access to many interesting free audiobooks that also have special sound effects to make them more effective.

There are many Audible Originals available too.


Sound effects:

As already mentioned, the audio content on Audible Suno comes with various sound effects. Many, if not all, have 3D audio quality. This makes listening to stories and dramas more fun.

Various categories:

Different categories of content is available to match different tastes. These include horror, thriller, romance, dramas, spiritual, mythological, educational, and inspirational.

Audio player controls:

The audio player has several useful controls. These include 30 seconds Forward or Rewind, audio speed adjustment, and bookmarks.

Sleep timer:

If you want to doze off listening to an audio play, you can set a sleep timer too. This timer will automatically stop the playback. The timer allows you to set auto-off time or even choose the app to stop playing after the chapter or the section finishes. As per the timer you set, the audio volume will dwindle off and the audio will stop playing.


If you enjoy listening to audiobooks, you'll enjoy Audible Suno too. The content on it is more dramatic, with superb audio quality and sound effects. It features voices by some of India's biggest celebrities. The variety of content ensures there's something for everyone. And best of all, it is free and requires no registration or sign-in. So it's like you get free audiobooks narrated by celebrities and with 3D sound effects.

To know more and download the free app, visit THIS PAGE

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