Fashion Magazine

Attire Club in Dialogue with William Forshaw, Founder of Maxwell Scott Bags

By Attireclub @attireclub

The world of high-quality leather bags is a very fascinating and stylish world. Men's bags come these days in many shapes and sizes. There is something out there for every style, taste and preference.

A great bag is a bag that checks out several points: it is stylish and features a great aesthetic, it is functional by allowing its carrier to easily store a lot in it without it changing its shape and it is made from durable, strong and flexible materials that make it last for a very long time.

A man who has taken these values to heart is William Forshaw, the founder of the Maxwell Scott Bags brand.

His brand, which exists now for over a decade, offers high-quality leather bags and other small leather goods that are suited for anything from traveling to business.

We wanted to find out more about Mr. Forshaw's views, life and vision, so we arranged an interview that we are sure you will enjoy!

Read it below:

Attire Club: Have you always been passionate about leather and leather bags in particular? Where does your interest come from and what did you set out to do with your brand?

William Forshaw: I kind of fell into to the world of manufacturing! My original career path started off very differently. After graduating from university I was extremely lucky to start a career in advertising at a big agency. However after a very short period I became disenfranchised with the industry. Having then played with PR and direct marketing, I decided that running my own business was much more appealing (deep down I think I always knew I was an entrepreneur). At this time, my mother often travelled through Italy and picked up a few bags to satisfy her own desires. After a couple bottles of wine and a rough business plan, I decided to take up the reins and push my new business into the corporate world in London.

AC: What were the main challenges you faced with the development of your brand?

WF: Sourcing and testing materials has always been a very difficult process. We only insist on using the best resources available and this can sometimes be challenging trying to get it exactly right. As we offer a 25-year warranty, this process is fundamental to the success and longevity of the business.

Secondly, as a very small brand with limited resources it is always been difficult to compete with recognized high-street brands. However over the years, we have built a very strong customer base, which has given as the opportunity to expand internationally.

AC: What makes a Maxwell Scott Bags product unique?

WF: The quality of the letters we use has been the basis for our recent success. Our exacting standards and attention to detail give Maxwell Scott Bags the edge I think. We have worked very hard over the years to iron out any shortcomings and produce something very special/

AC: What is the inspiration for the Maxwell Scott Bags?

WF: The label was created around elegant leather bags that to be honest I would want to buy. I wanted to design products that I would be proud of using and never make me think twice in the morning if I should use it today or not. These are everyday go to products!

AC: What are some style rules men should consider when it comes to bags?

WF: First you need to analysis your environment. If you work in a casual creative office, then briefcases will not fit the bill. Certain colors seem to always gel well like a navy suit with a chocolate briefcase. Black for most is the go to color, but many men are often surprised to learn that our chocolate leather is far more versatile.

What are your tips on maintaining a bag's qualities for many years?

Attire Club in Dialogue with William Forshaw, Founder of Maxwell Scott Bags
WF: 1. Use a good moisturizing leather cream that penetrates into the hide (2-3 times a year is more than enough)

2. If loose threads appear on any bag, then do something about it! Don't leave them, as they only get worse. There are many ways to deal with this, but unfortunately we don't have time in this post.

3. Never use direct heat to dry out a leather bag that's been out in the rain. Leave a dry location and pad of the excess - that's it!

AC: What bag/bags do you personally carry?

WF: I currently use the Large Flero holdall (first one of the production line 12 years ago), and a Tutti Folder. However I am about to spoil myself and go for the Calvino. It has a padded section for my MacBook and looks incredible!

Thank you very much!

Fraquoh and Franchomme

P.S. What do you think of the Maxwell Scott bags and the brand's founder? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook or Twitter!

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