Religion Magazine

Attempting to Bankrupt the State, for Tzniyus Concerns

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Egged recently announced that it would restart running advertisements that included images of women on the bus lines after a period where it was stopped due to vandalism. According to the agreement reached with the State, Egged will run the ads and if they are vandalized, the State will reimburse Egged for the damage.
attempting to bankrupt the State, for tzniyus concerns
To combat this, Neturei Karta extremists (is that redundant?) have put together a plan to go out in groups around town (focusing at leats first on the areas leading into Mea Shearim) and tear down any ads they see on buses with images of women. They say that such ads will cause spiritual damage to boys and men, and they must be torn down at any cost - even at risk of arrest, though that would just cause the campaign as more people would go out to help them.
And if they see the ads increasing, they will begin tearing down all ads, even those that do not bear images of women.. to the point where the State will not be able to bear the costs.
source: Walla News
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