
Attacks on Religious Minorities in India Occurred Throughout 2021: US State Department

Posted on the 03 June 2022 by Geetikamalik

The US State Department in his annual report to the Congress on International Religious Freedom has accused that in India in 2021 the attack on members of the minority community, including murder, attack, and intimidation, occurred throughout the year.

Released by the Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Foggy Bottom headquarters of the Department of Foreign Affairs, the report gave its own perspective on the status and violation of religious freedom throughout the world and had separate chapters in each country.

India had previously rejected the report of US freedom of freedom, saying there was no locus stand for foreign governments to announce the state of the rights of its citizens who were constitutionally protected.

The Indian section of the report avoids giving opinions about the status of the religious minority, but documenting various aspects as emerged in the Indian press and the Indian government report. It also freely quotes the accusations of various non -profit organizations, and minority institutions on attacks on them, but most of the time is quite silent about the results of the investigation conducted by officials, government responses.

Attacks on members of the religious minority community, including murder, attack, and intimidation, occurred throughout the year. This includes the ‘vigilante incident of the cow’ against non-Hindus based on the accusation of the massacre of beef or beef trade, “said the India section of the report.

It records the statement of the Head of RSS Mohan Bhagwat that Hindus and Muslims in India have the same DNA and should not be distinguished from religion.

In July, Mohan Bhagwat, Head of RSS, who is generally considered an ideological parent of the Indian Ruler BJP party, openly stated that Hindus and Muslims in India have the same DNA and should not be distinguished from religion,” the report said.

There will never be Hindu or Muslim dominance (in the country); There is only the dominance of Indians, “Bhagwat said, adding that members of the Muslim community should not be afraid that Islam is in danger in India. He also said that killing Non-Hindus for the massacre of cows was an action against Hinduism, the report said.

“Uttar Chairman Pradesh Yogi Adityanath on September 12 openly stated that the previous government in Uttar Pradesh had supported Muslim constituents in the distribution of benefits,” he said.

The report said that the police arrested non-Hindus for making comments in the media or on social media that were considered to offend Hindus or Hinduism.

NGOs, including religious-based organizations, continue to criticize the 2020 amendment submitted to the Foreign Contribution Regulation Law (FCRA) as restrictions on civil society by reducing the amount of foreign funds that can be used by NGOs, including religious organizations, can be used for administrative purposes and adding supervision heavy. and certification requirements, he said.

The government continues to say the law strengthens the supervision and accountability of foreign NGO funding in the country.

According to media reports, the FCRA license from 5,789 NGOs, including hundreds of religious -based organizations, falls after the government said the organization did not apply for renewal on time. In addition, during this year the government suspended the FCRA license with 179 NGOs, including several religious -based, the report said.

The post Attacks on religious minorities in India occurred throughout 2021: US State Department first appeared on Sarang Bos.

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