Society Magazine

Attack of the Gallinippers

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
This is a striking photo.
Attack of the gallinippers
Mega mosquitoes arrive in Central Florida
Entomologists predict quarter-sized gallinippers will invade Sunshine State
"As predicted, mega mosquitoes, known as gallinippers, have arrived in Central Florida. Gallinippers, which are 20 times the size of a typical mosquito and pack a painful bite, have been spotted in Seminole County, according to officials. Entomologists at the University of Florida predicted earlier this year that the mega mosquitoes, about the size of a quarter, would invade the Sunshine State in 2013, a year after being spotted in Florida following drenching rains from Tropical Storm Debbie. ... UF entomologist Phil Kaufman said the super-sized species is "notoriously aggressive” and the best way to protect against them is to wear bug spray with DEET and cover up as best as possible."
Got to hand it to the entomologists, they were right.
As a kid in RI used to watch Creature Double Feature out of Boston on Saturday afternoons. (YES! Godzilla Vs. Megalon! Godzilla vs. Mothra! Man Eater of Hydra! What else is a geeky n-erd going to do on Saturday afternoons? Go to the mall? Don't be silly).
Attack of the gallinippers
Who can forget the classic that started it all, "Them!" Which was actually an excellent movie.
Attack of the gallinippersSo do the first photo and the last photo look similar? Hmmm? Run while you still can! It's Mothra vs. the Gallinippers! The winner will take on the Killer Bees from Brazil!

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