Astrological Gemstones Questions And Answers
Before going to buy gemstones online, there are a lot of astrological gemstones answers to questions before finalizing a gemstone purchase. How can you be sure of what you are getting?
Are you aware of the different gem treatments that can alter the appearance of a gemstone? Some treatments will significantly affect a gemstone’s value.
Here you will find answers to astrological questions to your questions about gemstones as well as how to buy a good quality gemstone that suits you best.
Question: Why only nine (navratna) gemstones are main when there are thousands of stones and minerals available around the world?
Answer: There are nine planets in the universe whose impact is significant in the lives of all living creatures.
Moreover, this planet emits a beam of light, and these nine gems can absorb these rays entirely; therefore, they nominate as central nine stones.
Apart from these nine stones, those that absorb or intake these beams of light in a rational quantity are classified as semi-precious gemstones
Question: What is the difference between a gemstone, semi-precious gemstone, synthetic gemstone, and colorful glass?
Answer: Gemstones, semi-precious gemstones, synthetic stones, and colorful stones are all used by people for different purposes.
However, the purpose of use depends upon their ability to grasp the beam of light emanated by all the nine planets.
A gemstone has competent enough to absorb the beam of light emanated by all planets in maximum quantity; hence it is popularly the most precious stone.
A semi-precious stone consumes a beam of light left by all nine planets in less quantity. Therefore, it is famous as Semi-precious.
Subsequently, a synthetic and glass take in the beam of light evaporated by the planets in minor quantity, and glass does not ingest this beam of light anyway, so it is ranked under all.
Question: Does a real gemstone bring more favorable results for its wearer?
Answer: Yes, wearing a good quality gemstone carries satisfying results for its wearer. And it occurs because a high-quality gemstone consumes the powerful rays of light emitted from a planet.
This situation is identical to a case where one looks through a clean and smudge-free mirror and gets to see everything clearly across the mirror; however, if they look through an unclear mirror, the vision will blur and murkiest.
Question: What are the other options available to a person who can’t afford a precious gemstone?
Answer: Such as a poor person is not adequate to bear the expenditure of their clinical treatment likewise, a person who can’t afford an astrological gemstone deprives of the benefits being offered by these stones.
Just as in the case when a person can’t afford expensive medicine, they opt for low-priced drugs to get rid-off diseases; in the same manner, when a person can’t afford costly stones, he/she can adopt other measures such as fast, reciting mantra’s an endowment to obtain the favorable results from planets.
Question: Does wearing gemstone in a specific metal is essential?
Answer:Yes, the metal can enhance or reduce the overall ability of a stone. Hence, it is essential to adopt gemstones in a suitable metal, as suggested by an astrologer.
Question: What should be done if gemstone gets misplaced, cracked?>
Answer:It is conceived as inauspicious if a gemstone or Ratana gets broken. Therefore, one should not wear either broken or used gemstones.
Question: Why it suggests by an astrologer to wear gemstone with increase weight than prescribed?
Answer: It is stated as promising to wear a high-weighted gemstone over the prescribed weight. Suppose you consult with an astrologer to wear a gemstone or Ratana of five carats. Then it would be more benevolent if you wore a stone with slightly more than its purposed weight.
Let’s say wearing a five-carat and quarter-time larger stone will be beneficial.
Question: Which and when a gemstone should be worn?
Answer: Some gemstones can be worn throughout life, and their benefits or positive energies can be enjoyed.
On the other hand, certain gemstones or minerals are bound with time and bring positive changes in your life for some time, and later on, they become lifeless and ineffective.
Thus, while wearing a gemstone, one should sit with an astrologer who can access their horoscope, and based upon his assessment, he would guide you on whether you should wear this stone or not.
Question: What is the difference between adopting a gemstone in the ring and necklace?
Answer:The focal point of our brain is located on our fingers exactly. Wearing a gemstone in a ring bestows more benefits to its user through that beam of light preserved by a stone.
On the contrary, wearing a gem on a necklace does not bring equivalent positive results as a ring. One should embed double-weighted stone in the chain to gain comparable benefits to circles.
Question: Wearing used gemstone is appropriate?
Answer: No, not at all, this practice is discouraged everywhere, and astrologer unanimously asks people to avoid wearing a previously used gemstone.
This suggestion is because an earlier user of that stone consumed already-used gem energies.
Hence, there is nothing for a new user to try because of this; a person should not wear a used gem. If a person wants to wear a used gemstone, he/she should wear a gemstone used by his/her close relative, like a wife/brother, mother, or father.
Question: Are heated gemstones considered less effective?
Answer: Yes, because precious stone quality is threatened when it is warmed at a high temperature. Therefore, it would not be far-fetched to say that a heated gemstone is less potent than a natural gemstone.
Question: Are many small gemstones aggregately overpowers a natural gemstone?
Answer: This proclamation is entirely equivalent to this statement. Suppose, in a dark room hundred candles are being burnt, and in the adjacent room, a big bulb is switched on.
The brightness of a big bulb is far better than 100 burning candles. Just as combining small gems can’t overpower a natural gemstone.
Question: What is the importance of time while wearing a gemstone?
Answer: It is believed that the deity dwells in gemstones. Without the presence of God, a gemstone is similar to a piece of glass.
While wearing a gemstone, a deity prays or solicits. While inviting a God, it is mandatory to choose the right time. Otherwise, wearing a gemstone will not prove beneficial for a person.
Therefore, it is essential to adopt a gemstone at the right time to impress and obtain a blessing from a deity.
Question: What is the process of removing a gemstone?
Answer:Just as we welcome and adieu a guest from our house with the utmost honor and respect. Similarly, while taking off a stone in which a deity dwells, we should remove it, displaying the utmost care and gratitude toward that stone.
To do so, while removing a gemstone, we should offer prayer. Recite the mantra as per suggested by an astrologer.
If you want to check astrological gemstone collection, you can visit our online store at www.9Gem.com