Art & Design Magazine

Assemblage-en-Juin Or Put-itTogether-June

By Boiseartist

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

Panel members introducing themselves to each other. Lots of assemblage art on display.
For a full description click on this link:

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

We had a full house!

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

The Panel discussion was on Monday night...

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

...then on Thursday night I was showing at First Thursday at Idaho Blueprint

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

On Saturday I met about 10 ladies and 1 gentleman at the Idaho Youth Ranch Outlet. For many of them it was their first experience and for others they came back for more fun. 

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

Items are not sorted, the fun is digging through the bins to see what you can find. 

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

"Hmm, I wonder how I could use this?"

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

"What do you think?"

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

Rows and Rows of stuff

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

This is what I bought for around $3

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

Then it was back to my studio to see what we could create with the items we found.

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

Most of the projects didn't get finished as they needed to be propped up to dry etc.
But they got a good start. 

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

Some worked inside where it was a little cooler. 

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

Who knew taking arms off Barbies was so hard...

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

We had to pull out the dremel.
I can't wait to see all the finished projects. The Next TVAA show  is in August called "Hunting and Gathering" I hope to see all of these pieces there. 

Assemblage-en-Juin or Put-itTogether-June

This was a cool surprise I got in the mail the other day from one of my high school friends, Lisa. Thank You!

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