Panel members introducing themselves to each other. Lots of assemblage art on display.
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We had a full house!
The Panel discussion was on Monday night...
...then on Thursday night I was showing at First Thursday at Idaho Blueprint
On Saturday I met about 10 ladies and 1 gentleman at the Idaho Youth Ranch Outlet. For many of them it was their first experience and for others they came back for more fun.
Items are not sorted, the fun is digging through the bins to see what you can find.
"Hmm, I wonder how I could use this?"
"What do you think?"
Rows and Rows of stuff
This is what I bought for around $3
Then it was back to my studio to see what we could create with the items we found.
Most of the projects didn't get finished as they needed to be propped up to dry etc.
But they got a good start.
Some worked inside where it was a little cooler.
Who knew taking arms off Barbies was so hard...
We had to pull out the dremel.
I can't wait to see all the finished projects. The Next TVAA show is in August called "Hunting and Gathering" I hope to see all of these pieces there.
This was a cool surprise I got in the mail the other day from one of my high school friends, Lisa. Thank You!