Family Magazine

#ASKAWAYFriday With Sarah at The Small Town Iowa Family

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

This week has flown by and I can’t believe that tomorrow is Friday.  I started participating in #ASKAWAYFriday and I have enjoyed it. I love connecting with other bloggers and learning more about them. I wanted to participate in this blog hop because I don’t always share a ton of information about myself.  I thought #ASKAWAYFriday was the perfect way for everyone to get to know me on a personal basis. For those who don’t know what #ASKAWAYFriday is, you exchange a set of 10 questions for another blogger to answer. Below are 10 questions that Sarah asked me and I hope that you enjoy my answers.

ASKAWAYFRIDAY with Sarah from Small Town Iowa Family

This week I traded answers with Sarah from Small Town Iowa Family.  She is married and has two beautiful girls.  She takes awesome photos (I need her skills and a better camera) of her family and all of their adventures.

  1. WOW I just looked over your blog and it is really really amazing!!!  How do you fit everything into your day?

I usually write one post per day unless I have giveaways or blogger opportunities to post.  It is time consuming because I am not always the fastest writer and I get distracted all the time.  I try to write when my youngest son is playing or watching his cartoons.  My youngest is fairly independent and will play by himself for the most part.  He also enjoys sitting beside me and watching me write.  Some days I will write in the evenings, just depends on how my day went.  My youngest son inspired me to start blogging, I started with my breast pump review website because I wanted to make more mom’s aware that they could continue their breastfeeding relationship even if they had to return to work.  Of course, my breast pump review website turned into Uplifting Families.  I also accept guest posts to help fill in when I can’t post or can’t think of anything to write.

  1. What’s the first thing you notice about people?

I usually notice their smile.  I know that it is hard to put on a smiley face sometimes but a smile goes a long way.


  1. February is coming up and all the sweets really start to come out.  Do you have a sweet tooth? What is your favorite sweet?

It never fails that we have some sort of sweets in the house.  A few days ago I made Snickerdoodle cookies for my son to take to class, I have M&Ms in my closet because I got a great deal on them using coupons, the kids love fruit snacks, and whatever else that you can find in my pantry.  I have a horrible sweet tooth.  Some of my favorite sweets include: ice cream, frozen yogurt, cookies, cheesecake, and candy.

  1. What was your favorite subject in school?

I actually had several favorite subjects in school.  I enjoyed Math, Science, and computer classes.  In college, I love learning how to write html code and while I wasn’t the best at computer programming, I am now able to apply those skills to my blog.  I modified a few line items in my theme.  I wouldn’t be able to write a huge theme file but I can do basic edits and changes.

  1. How did you meet Joshua?

I met Joshua on Myspace.  We talked for a very long time online before we finally decided to meet.  In fact, we had a bit of an awkward first date.  We had an annoying waiter and he said that I didn’t talk that much.  But he agreed to meet me for a second date, which turned out to be much better.  We dated for roughly 6 months before he asked me to marry him, of course, I said “yes.”  He has been an amazing father to my older kids and taken them under his wing. Then in May of 2011, we were blessed with our youngest son.  I love watching my husband play with all of the kids.

  1. What was your life like growing up?

This is a bittersweet memory for me because I lost my mom a few years ago to Pick’s disease.  My parents ended up divorcing and remarrying each other several times, it was very confusing as a child.  At the time, I didn’t know the whole story behind their issues and I am kinda glad I didn’t know the whole story, other than I thought it was more my dad’s fault.  We ended up moving my junior year in high school to the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX area.  After that everything, was much better and our lives were stable.  As a result of my parents divorce, I was left with emotional issues and I had fears of abandonment for a long time.

  1. If you could randomly try out any job for a day, what would you try?

I went to school to learn how to be a super computer geek and my plans got derailed in 2011, when my back issues made it too difficult to work.  I still would love to go watch and learn what a System Administrator does each and every day.  Of course, I wouldn’t mind visiting with Oprah for a day.  She is an amazing woman and I admire her for all that she has done to help others.

  1. Where do you see yourself and your family in 10 years?

In 10 years, my oldest two children should or better be living on their own.  I hope that I am still able to walk around and manage a few things on my own, for those who don’t know, I suffer from chronic back pain and late last year I started exhibiting signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia.

  1. What websites do you usually check out daily?

I am a member of Triberr and visit a bunch of blogs daily.  I always read or glace over a post before I share it to make sure that it is something my readers would enjoy.  I also leave comments as I feel led.  A few blogs that I visit on a regular basis that I enjoy are:  Voiceboks Community, Bloggy Moms, Mom Bloggers Club, Sarah Simple Me, The Jenny Evolution, Long Wait for Isabella, Sharon’s Mom’s MadHouse, Dangerous Cupcake Designs, and many other great blogs.

  1. Alright, if your life was a movie who would you want to play you?

This is a tough question but I will go with my first thoughts on this question.  I had someone tell me a long time ago that I looked like Rebecca on Full House.  Rebecca was played by Lori Loughlin, she is a bit older than but they can make actors look younger than they really are.  I think she would be a perfect fit considering I can’t think of any other choice at the moment.  :)

Don’t forget to visit Sarah at Small Town Iowa Family to see the questions that I asked her.  I hope that you have enjoyed my answers and learned some new things about me.

To get weekly updates to Uplifting Families, please subscribe to my newsletter or join in the conversation with me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and G+.

Once you’ve check out my answers be sure to go by Penny at The Real Housewife of Caroline County to check out the LinkUp and all the awesome Bloggers who are also telling a bit about themselves today 10 questions at a time.

If you are interested in joining for the the next #AskAwayFriday, feel free to contact Penny or any of the other Bloggers already involved. I promise, you will get to meet and know some awesome Bloggers each week!

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