get to know them!Meeting other bloggers and making new friends is one of the best parts of this online world!
Most importantly, have FUN!
Penny from The Real Housewife of Caroline County
Amber from Bold Fab Mom
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Sarah from Small Town Iowan
Christy from Uplifting Families
I started participating in #ASKAWAYFriday and I have enjoyed it. I love connecting with other bloggers and learning more about them. I wanted to participate in this blog hop because I don’t always share a ton of information about myself. I thought #ASKAWAYFriday was the perfect way for everyone to get to know me on a personal basis. For those who don’t know what #ASKAWAYFriday is, you exchange a set of 10 questions for another blogger to answer. Below are 10 questions that Lanaya asked me and I hope that you enjoy my answers.
This week I connected with Lanaya from Raising Reagan. She is married and has a beautiful daughter named Reagan. Layana is a superhero in my opinion and is a busy mom. She recently returned to the corporate world after taking some time off to focus solely on raising her daughter. Not only does Lanaya work outside of the home, she runs her own business called Reagan’s Toy Chest and still finds time to update her blog. My favorite series on Lanaya’s blog is the Letting Go Series. As a mom of three, it is hard to let our children grow up. I know that part of me wants them to stay little forever but in reality they are going to grow up (quickly). You have to learn to let go and let them learn how the world works for themselves.
- I love all your tips on a preschool curriculum at home. Now that I am back to work, Rey is in preschool and she is loving every bit of it. I want to make sure that I am encouraging learning when I am with her. What fun learning activities do you give for a super busy mama?
My favorite activity when I was growing up was doing crafts with my mom or helping her cook meals. These are both ways for children to learn, Crafts are also great for improving your child’s fine motor skills and it teaches them about the importance of having hobbies. Experiment with several different types of craft ideas and figure out what child enjoys.
Last fall I bought my youngest son some flash cards, books, and several other fun things. I have found that children love learning and it is easier to keep their attention when they are having fun learning.
My youngest also enjoys music so I will play him some fun toddler songs on Pandora. There are so many great ideas on Pinterest and most of the time you can make do with the things you already have in your house.
Be sure to check out my recent preschool post: 20 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children Their Colors.
- Is there a show on TV or a song on the radio that you can’t get enough of right now?
I am loving the new Late Night show with Jimmy Falon (his opening night show had me laughing). I also enjoy listening to music online or on my phone. When I listen to music, I always listen to Christian artists because it is encouraging and uplifting. My absolute favorite song that I could listen to over and over is: Live with Abandon by News Boys.
- You are given the opportunity to shop {without a budget} at any store you choose. Which store do you go for and why?
I would choose to shop at Cato Fashions, Belk, and Kohls. When I shop for clothes, I typically search for bargains on the clearance rack or find coupons to my favorite stores. I love the selections at all three stores, of course, Belk is a new choice. I would enjoy buying a few new outfits, some comfy shoes, and get some new undergarments.
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- It’s your last meal … what do you pick?
I would end up hopping from one restaurant to another so that I could have several of my favorite dishes. I love the Monterrey Chicken Fajitas at On the Border, Chicken Scampi from Olive Garden, Chicken Enchilada Soup from Chili’s, and some cheesecake for dessert.
- Do you find it easier to fly by the seat of your pants or have a routine?
I am a fly by the seat of my pants type of person. I might have to implement a blogging routine soon if I keep getting a ton of opportunities at once. I want to make sure that I keep up with my obligations but at the same time, I don’t like sharing too many reviews in one week without adding some useful content.
- Would you choose a new wardrobe or a home makeover?
I would choose a home makeover. Our house is perfect but it needs some minor touch-ups and changes. I would love to re-paint the inside of my house, I want to add some color and modern touches. I am leaning towards a light gray color and adding brushed nickel fixtures around the house. I also need new tile in the kitchen and bathroom (some of them have cracked as our house settled onto the foundation). If there is a way to add on to my house, I would love to add a music room for my husband.
- Do you have a least favorite flavor or smell? How about a favorite?
I don’t like the smell of fresh cut grass, strong perfume, or anything that sets off my allergies. I love apple cinnamon, vanilla, peach, and berry flavored stuff.
I’m going to roll 8-10 into one question:
- Trade places with one blogger for the day .. who do you pick?
I would love to trade places with Lexie Lane, she is a successful blogger and I love her writing style. She founded and has been a part of several other projects.
- Trade places with one blog for the day … which blog do you takeover?
I would love to take over for Dee at Dangerous Cupcake Designs. I would love to blog about sweet treats all day long. Of course, I would have to take a cake decorating class but it would be so much fun. Of course, I love her social media tips too.
- Trade places with one celebrity for the day … who do you become?
I would love to trade places with Oprah. She has a passion to help others and is an inspiring business woman.
- And finally … trade places with one historical figure for the day … who do you choose, what day {if applicable} and why?
I would trade places with the First Lady. I would love to see how the White House is run from behind the scenes and how they attempt to raise their family while in the spotlight. Raising children is hard enough without worrying about what other people think about you. I think the First Lady does an amazing job at making sure her kids live a somewhat normal life. I also love that Michelle Obama has increased the awareness and started her campaign “Let’s Move”. She wanted to get kids more active and help prevent childhood obesity.
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Don’t forget to check out Lanaya at Raising Reagan to see what questions I asked her. I hope that you have enjoyed my answers and learned some new things about me.
Once you’ve check out my answers be sure to go by Penny at The Real Housewife of Caroline County to check out the LinkUp and all the awesome Bloggers who are also telling a bit about themselves today 10 questions at a time.
If you are interested in joining for the the next #AskAwayFriday, feel free to contact Penny or any of the other Bloggers already involved. I promise, you will get to meet and know some awesome Bloggers each week!
Check below for all the #AskAwayFriday Links! Please only post if you are apart of #AskAwayFriday…host reserves the right to delete links that aren’t related to this post.
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