Family Magazine

#ASKAWAYFRIDAY with Jodi From The Noise of Boys

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

It has been two weeks since I participated in #ASKAWAYFriday because of the holidays.  I love connecting with new bloggers and learning more about them.  I decided to participate because I don’t always share a ton of information about myself and thought it was a great way for everyone to get to know me on a personal basis.  For those who don’t know what #ASKAWAYFriday is, you exchange a set of 10 questions for another blogger to answer. Below are 10 questions that Jodi asked me and I hope that you enjoy my answers.

Askaway Friday with Jodi at The Noise of Boys

Jodi is a wife and a mother of two amazing boys.  I enjoyed connecting with Jodi this week and admire her for having two kids that are very close in age.  Mine are spaced out and I don’t know how she cares for two that are about a year apart.  You can find information about IVF, Preschool, Terrible Twos, and so much more on her blog: The Noise of Boys.

  1. I know you began blogging in 2012, after your back injury….How did you discover the world of blogging?  Did you jump right into it or take some time?

I actually started a piano site in 2009 and tried writing articles for that site.  I wasn’t very successful at it because I am not musically talented and it was difficult to write about topics that I didn’t have a clue about.  In 2011, after the birth of my youngest son my husband suggested that I try another blog.  So I started a breast pump review site because I wanted to help educate women that they could continue to breastfeed their baby once they returned to work.  I wrote several reviews and started working on this site shortly after I was sent home from my job on medical leave while I was searching for another job with my employer.  I was eventually laid off because my employer felt that my medical restrictions were too strict and they felt that I was a liability risk (to future injuries on the job).  Around the September 2012, I felt that I felt like it was time to expand my niche so that I could blog about a wider variety of topics.  So the long answer to your question, I learned about blogging from my husband.  He did it in his spare time as a hobby and he was able to earn some extra money.  I wasn’t the best writer when I started but I just jumped in and started it.  Over the years, my writing has improved and I am still learning new ways to share my blog with others.  My advice to newbies is to jump in and give it a try, there are many free ways to start a blog so that  you can test the waters.

  1. Your blog is awesome filled with amazing  content! What would be your top 3 tips for a beginner, in regards to starting a blog?
    • Find a niche or several niches that you are comfortable writing about.
    • Brainstorm and come up with a list of possible domain names (Brand Name).  You want something catchy and easy for people to remember.
    • I highly recommend that you read “The Blogger’s Survival Guide: Tips and Tricks for Parent Bloggers, Wordsmiths, and Enthusiasts“.  I read this book after I stared blogging and it is very helpful.  It will help you set up your blog and give you step by step instructions to get you started.
  1. Share one thing you thought you would do as parent, but changed after actually having kids?

I wasn’t a fan of being grounded when I was a teenager and I am pretty sure that I told my mom that I wouldn’t do that with my own children.  However, as a mom I found that taking away privileges or things that they like actually gets their attention.  Time out works fairly well for my youngest son too.  Of course, I am not opposed to giving my child a spanking if they need one.

  1. Did you make any resolutions for 2014?

I didn’t make any New Year’s Resolutions because I am typically not a huge fan of making promises to myself that I don’t keep.  I would much rather set small attainable goals for myself.

  1. What does a typical day look like in your household?

I usually get up with my older kids around 6 am unless I sleep through my alarm (which happens quite a bit).  I take my medications, then go back to bed until my youngest gets up which is around 10 am.  Then we get up and fix something to eat.  He enjoys watching a few of his favorite cartons (Dinosaur Train, Sesame Street, & Super Why).  While he is watching his cartons, I usually catch up on email, sharing blog posts, commenting, working on social networking, and trying to write my blog posts.  Of course, I get interrupted a million times but I enjoy spending extra time with my him.  Some days we will run errands, while other days we hang out at the house.  I try to incorporate some type of learning into his day but I have been a slacker these days.  We usually eat dinner together as a family.

  1. Choose three words to describe your personality.

I am a social butterfly online but in real life I am fairly shy until I get to know you.  I am fairly laid back and try not to let things bother me (of course there are a few things that do get under my skin).  I am very detail orientated.

  1. Congrats!  You won a vacation to a remote Island for 30 days!  Sorry, no technology!  Besides family….What 3 things are bringing with you?
    • A camera to capture all of the great memories.
    • My swim suit so that I can spend some time in the sun, swimming pool, or beach.
    • A journal to write down my thoughts.
  1. Pick a song, book or movie title that describes your life right now.

This is a tough question for me because I live each day in pain.  I do take medications to help with my pain but it doesn’t get rid of it all together.  I don’t even remember what life is like to be normal.  I have modified my entire life because of my pain.  I can’t work a typical job and currently awaiting a disability hearing.  I started this blog to help take the focus off my own problems and to help others.  However, living in constant pain isn’t easy and it is very difficult to explain to others.  I realize that God has a purpose for all that I go through and I trust in his plans.  I will one day share about the disability process to help others (it is a frustrating process).  I had a hard time picking a song but I think Bring the Rain by Mercy Me, can sum it up.

  1. If you could go back and visit ANY period of time in history and do something special/or meet an important figure…  When/who/where?

I would love to meet Mother Teresa.  She always thought of helping others and made it her life to help the poorest of the poor.  I read a book about her life called Finding Calcutta: What Mother Teresa Taught Me About Meaningful Work and Service.  Mary Poplin shared what it was like working with Mother Teresa and how her work helped so many people.  I recommend this book if you are interested in learning more about Mother Teresa.

  1. You  are “SUPERMOM” for 24 hours….  Pick one superpower or trait!

I would love to have one pain free day so that I could go do something super fun with the kids.  Even though I know that isn’t possible, I would settle for a wand that will automatically clean the house.  :)

Don’t forget to visit Jodi at The Noise of Boys to see the questions that I asked her.  I hope that you have enjoyed my answers and learned some new things about me.

To get weekly updates to Uplifting Families, please subscribe to my newsletter or join in the conversation with me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and G+.

Once you’ve check out my answers be sure to go by Penny at The Real Housewife of Caroline County to check out the LinkUp and all the awesome Bloggers who are also telling a bit about themselves today 10 questions at a time.

If you are interested in joining for the the next #AskAwayFriday, feel free to contact Penny or any of the other Bloggers already involved. I promise, you will get to meet and know some awesome Bloggers each week!


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