Friday’s are just so absolutely fabulous…Why you may ask…because it is time to enjoy another amazing week of #AskAwayFriday!
What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers! By offering a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!
Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…
Tamara from Tamara Like Camera,Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter, Christy from Uplifting Families, Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings, and Amber from Bold Fit Mom
This week we welcome a brand new co-host, for the next two weeks the amazing…Stephanie from So I’ve Been Thinking!
Stephanie is a lovely wife and mother of 3 – a 13 year old a 11 year old twin girl and boy. Let’s just say juggling a teen and 2 preteens has her on
my Super Mom list for sure. Stephanie has an amazingly friendly personality and a visit to her blog would definitely be a worthy click.
So…grab our brand, new button, follow our amazing hosts and co-host, hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!
This week I swapped with Carol from Battered Hope. author, health coach, motivational speaker, blogger, business woman and have several furbabies! She how she beat cancer and shared her story when she was given two years to live over 40 years ago. She enjoys teaching other people how to build and maintain a strong immunity.
- Your blog deals with a lot of issues raising children. I am also an advocate for breast feeding and appreciate that you help women with their questions and concerns. What do you feel is a good age to stop nursing your child?
I personally think that your child should be weaned at the latest around 2 or 2.5 years old. I remember when I was nursing my oldest son, I was in the middle of my divorce and waited for things to calm down before I took his comfort away. My other two children I weaned between 14 and 18 months. I wrote a post on how to successfully wean your breastfed baby a few weeks ago and shared some tips on how to wean.
Breastfeeding is a wonderful experience but I don’t think anyone has the right to tell a woman when to stop nursing her baby. My youngest son’s pediatrician tried urging me to give up breastfeeding at a year old. I didn’t understand her logic when the World Health Organization suggests for women to breastfeeding through the first two years.
- How did you handle the news when you discovered your little girl was deaf?
I am thankful that my daughter had a hearing screening at birth. The state of Texas had just mandated newborn hearing screenings the year she was born. If she wouldn’t have had a screening, it would have been a long time before I would have ever thought anything was wrong. She failed the newborn screening in the hospital and the nurses tried to reassure me that it could be something simple such as fluid in her ears.Two weeks later I took her back to labor and delivery unit and they had the nurse re-screen her hearing. When she brought her back to me, she let me know that she failed her repeat hearing test. I wish I could remember exactly what my reaction that day ways but I do remember being devastated. I also remember blaming myself for something that I did wrong during my pregnancy. I quickly changed my outlook and became focused on the fact that God made her special for a reason and that I need to love her unconditionally no matter what the results are.
- I applaud you for teaching your youngest son sign language so he could communicate with his older sister. Was this an easy or difficult task? Do all of you sign?
I stopped teaching him once he got to the point that he could take and ask for the things that he wanted. I feel like a horrible mother because I didn’t have the opportunity to take sign language classes and learn sign language. I was learning the basic signs when they were teaching her in my home but once she moved to preschool, I didn’t learn any more.
My daughter got her first cochlear implant at the age of four and I would speak directly to her face so that she could read my lips. I would sign what I knew or finger spell it so that she could understand. I would love for my daughter to teach my youngest son some sign language.
- I know there are a lot of people that cope with chronic pain, as you do. Can you share some tips that may help others who suffer from similar pain?
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
- Take your medication as prescribed by your doctor
- Find new hobbies that you can do
- Limit your activities if you have something special planned
- Try to be positive and focus on things that you can do
- Talk to your family about how your pain affects you so that they can understand
- Be open and honest with the people around you.
- If you are working, talk to your boss and let them know what is going on. For example, one day you might can do a task and the next day you might not be due to your pain levels. Talking to them will help them understand your pain and that you aren’t avoiding tasks at work. Talking to your boss will give them the opportunity to assist you or make accommodations.
- Invest in a good mattress
- Journal your thoughts, feelings, and pain levels
- Try a tens unit to help manage your pain
- You are your own best advocate and the doctors work for you so be persistent when it comes to determining the cause of your medical condition.
Don’t forget to check out my post: 5 Ways to Be a Better Parent With Chronic Pain or Illness.