I started participating in #ASKAWAYFriday and I have enjoyed it. I love connecting with other bloggers and learning more about them. I wanted to participate in this blog hop because I don’t always share a ton of information about myself. I thought #ASKAWAYFriday was the perfect way for everyone to get to know me on a personal basis. For those who don’t know what #ASKAWAYFriday is, you exchange a set of 10 questions for another blogger to answer. Below are 10 questions that Beth asked me and I hope that you enjoy my answers.
This week I exchanged questions and answers with Beth from Structure in an Unstructured Life. She is a married and has two adorable boys. Beth shares information on parenting, meal planning (something I should do so that we don’t have to have “I don’t know” every night for dinner), happiness, and organization.
- What ages are your three children, and what are your favorite and least favorite things about these ages?
My daughter is 17, my older son is 13, and my youngest son is 2.5. I always try to cherish each stage of my children’t lives and enjoy them for who they are. My favorite stage is the newborn phase simply because you can hold, snuggle, and love on them all day long. My toddler still enjoys being held and loved on but it is on his terms. I love watching him learn and explore the world around him and he knows how to make us laugh. I love my older kids because they are independent overall and they are old enough to help around the house after their school work is completed. Teenagers still need their parents guidance but are old enough to make some decisions on their own. My least favorite parenting moment is dealing with my kids when they are cranky, throwing a fit, or when they don’t do what I tell them to do. While these aren’t fun moments, it is part of them learning and growing up.
- From your about page, it sounds like your three kids are all very different from one another with their own unique needs. How do you balance meeting everyone’s needs when they are all different?
My daughter was born deaf and wears cochlear implants. She has always been an easy child to deal with overall. She does require a bit of ongoing medical support and we visit the audiologist at least once a year to make sure that her cochlear implants are working properly.
My oldest son gave me a run for my money when he was younger. I always called him my touchy, feely baby because he loved for people to hold him and he would cry anytime you put him down unless he was passed out. He was that way until he was a bit older. He started walking at 10 months old and climbed out of his crib before he was a year old. Then he learned how to climb up on the kitchen cabinets and get into things. He was also a horrible sleeper, I would fight him to go to bed and he would wake up at the crack of dawn. I was a single mom at the time and it was very tiring. As he got older, things got easier. He has ADHD and still has to be reminded to slow down on his homework some days. He is a sweet boy and loves to help out around the house.
My youngest son is a fairly easy and gets along with my older kids expect when they try to tell him what to do. He enjoys spending time with his mama during the day and tries his hardest to love on me to make me feel better. He is a sweet baby. He is a typical boy already and enjoys wrestling with his older brother, playing baseball or basketball, and loves music.
I am able to keep up with most of their needs on a daily basis. They are all blessings and they bring me lots of joy each and everyday.
- You have some great resources for parents on your blog! What inspired you to begin writing for parents?
I blog because my youngest inspired me to help breastfeeding moms learn that they could continue their breastfeeding relationship with their baby after they returned to work. After a medical layoff in July of 2012, I started blogging full-time and quickly learned that my options would be very limited if I stuck to a breastfeeding only site. So I expanded and created Uplifting Families, where I started blogging about pregnancy, breastfeeding, parenting, reviews, giveaways, and all things family related. I love sharing my knowledge and helping other moms/dads.
- In my neck of the woods, we’re experiencing one of the worst winters in decades! Do you love the snow, or are you more of a summer sun kind of girl?
I actually enjoy the spring/fall temperatures when it is 70 to 80 degrees outside. I do enjoy the snow but after a few days of being cooped up inside the house, I find that being stuck makes me go stir crazy even though I stay home all the time. At least when the weather is good, I know that I can get out and run errands if I need to. I don’t like the summer time in Texas because it is way too hot outside. But since I suffer from chronic pain, I think the warmer temperatures are easier on my body.
- What’s your favorite meal to make for your family?
I am all about making easy meals that don’t require standing in the kitchen for hours. Some of course favorite meals include: Chicken Alfredo, Chicken Quesadillas, Frito Pie with Rice, and Spaghetti.
- As a big fan of routines myself, I loved your recent post about establishing a bedtime routine with your kids. What other routines do you have with your kids that work well?
I have my kids help out with the household chores after their homework is completed. I started teaching them how to age appropriate chores at a very young age. I would never give them chores that they couldn’t handle and I never expected things to be done perfectly.
- What’s your idea of a perfect date night with your hubby?
I would love to go on an overnight trip with my husband, it has been a long time since we have done that. It is nice to be without the kids for a few hours and enjoy ourselves. We have been known to go across the metroplex and stay in a hotel over night. Depends on where we stay, we will go out to eat, site seeing, or do something else fun.
- If you had to choose one cause you are most passionate about, what would it be?
This is a tough question. I am passionate about several things and have actually shared them through my writing. I love helping other people and sharing my experiences. I choose to blog so that I could share my experiences with others. I have shared my daughter’s story about her hearing loss and getting cochlear implant surgery, my journey with chronic pain, my mom’s story with Pick’s Disease (a rare for of Alzheimer’s), and countless other topics about pregnancy, breastfeeding, and parenting.
- Where do you write your blog posts? (Bonus for including a picture!)
I usually write my blog posts while sitting on the couch in the living room or in my bed. My chihuahua usually lays right next to me unless the baby has food. I usually lay propped up on the pillow so that I am as comfortable as possible.
- Would you rather have a day at the spa, a day shopping, or a day site-seeing?
For our five year anniversary, we went to a cool spa that had a large collection of saunas and spa pools. It was very relaxing and it felt good to pamper ourselves for the entire day. Of course, its hard to pass up a day of shopping or site-seeing too. I don’t usually go shopping or site-seeing very often due to the large amount of walking involved.
Don’t forget to visit Beth from Structure in an Unstructured Life to see the questions that I asked her. I hope that you have enjoyed my answers and learned some new things about me.
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Once you’ve check out my answers be sure to go by Penny at The Real Housewife of Caroline County to check out the LinkUp and all the awesome Bloggers who are also telling a bit about themselves today 10 questions at a time.
If you are interested in joining for the the next #AskAwayFriday, feel free to contact Penny or any of the other Bloggers already involved. I promise, you will get to meet and know some awesome Bloggers each week!