Most importantly, have FUN!
Amber from Bold Fab Mom
I started participating in #ASKAWAYFriday and I have enjoyed it. I love connecting with other bloggers and learning more about them. I wanted to participate in this blog hop because I don’t always share a ton of information about myself. I thought #ASKAWAYFriday was the perfect way for everyone to get to know me on a personal basis. For those who don’t know what #ASKAWAYFriday is, you exchange a set of 10 questions for another blogger to answer. Below are 10 questions that April asked me and I hope that you enjoy my answers.
This week I connected with April from 100lb Countdown. April is has been married to her husband for 7 years. You should check out her blog, she shares useful information about fitness and weight loss. As a mom, I know that sometimes it is hard to take care of my own personal needs because I tend to put my family before me. So if you are inspired to start taking care of yourself and want to lose weight, April is a great inspiration and can help motivate you to lose the weight. I have heard that weight loss is more successful if you have someone to help hold you accountable. When I have previously lost weight, I always used MyFitnessPal to log my food and exercise. It works with dedication.
- I read a previous AAF, I thought you said you had trouble getting the 13yo to sleep when he was younger. Your older son sounds a lot like my daughter. How did you get him to sleep?
It took taking my son to see a psychologist. I broke down in the doctor’s office because I had no idea what else to do for my son. As a single mom, I it was rough dealing with him sleeping for a short amount of time and going full speed the next day. I just couldn’t keep up with him. His doctor decided to give him some ADHD medication. After trying several different medications, we finally got found the right combination for him. He was put on Strattera and Clonidine (blood pressure medication). The blood pressure medication drops his blood pressure slightly and his body has to fight to keep it up. Several years ago, my son’s new pediatrician took him off the Strattera because it was linked to increase suicide. After trying several other medications, we decided that it was best to continue the Clonidine only. He is still struggles with ADHD but he can function without additional medication. I decided that it was best to keep him on the Clonidine because I know that sleep is important and I wanted to make sure that he gets enough sleep each night.
- Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Do you celebrate or feel it’s a manufactured holiday?
I have always felt that Valentine’s is simply a Hallmark Holiday. I understand it’s purpose but I think that you should not be forced by a Holiday to tell your spouse or significant other that you love them. It fact, in a healthy relationship you should always make it a priority to make sure your spouse or significant knows that you love them.
- As a former working mom, I’m all too familiar with breast pumps. I hated using them, I much more prefer to breastfeed. Is there any pump out there most like a baby’s suckling?
I personally used the Medela Pump in Style breast pump. It worked great and I always was able to pump enough breast milk to give my son fresh milk each day. The Medela pumps are supposed to mimic a baby’s sucking with their two-phase technology. However, there are some other great breast pumps on the market. My advice to a new mom is to splurge a little bit and invest in one of the top brands. You can expect to spend roughly $200 to $300 dollars on a good breast pump but the cost of formula would exceed those costs. Plus, they can be used for multiple children.
- What do you think you do differently since you have such an age gap in your children? I believe they are 17, 13 and 2.5, right?
I actually love the age gap between all of my children. My older kids are independent and they are able to help with their younger brother. In fact, they get along fairly well. Of course, my toddler doesn’t like it when they tell him what to do sometimes.
- Will you have more children?
I don’t have any plans to have any more children. In fact, I had my tubes tied during my c-section with my youngest son. I have health issues and we felt that it was best.
- Do you want to go back to a full-time day job one day, if it were possible?
I do miss the social interaction that comes with working a full-time job. Unless I had the opportunity to work from home, then going back to work isn’t much of an option for me due to my health.
- It’s 10 p.m. and everyone’s sleeping. What are you doing?
I usually lay in bed playing games on my phone, catching up on social media, or reading books.
- What’s your favorite topic to blog about? Why?
This is a tough choice because I actually enjoy writing about pregnancy, breastfeeding, parenting, family, and the #AskAwayFriday posts. I love sharing my knowledge and helping others.
- What’s the most awkward situation you’ve been in?
I am not a big fan of public speaking and hope that one day I can get over that fear. I don’t like being put on the spot either. I will talk when I feel I have something to say or contribute.
I wanted to add that my oldest son decided to give me an awkward birthday present a few years ago. We were getting ready to go out to eat for breakfast and I was sitting on the couch. I glanced up and noticed that there was a frog hopping in the kitchen. Needless to say, my son was harboring a bunch of frogs in his room and you can finish reading about my Hoppy Birthday here.
- What’s the one thing you wish you considered before having children?
This is one thing that I don’t think I would change. I had my daughter at the age of 19. It was hard financially but she was worth it all. I was very lucky and my twin sisters are about 5 years old, so I got all of their hand me downs for several years.
Don’t forget to visit April from 100lb Countdown to see the questions that I asked her. I hope that you have enjoyed my answers and learned some new things about me.
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Once you’ve check out my answers be sure to go by Penny at The Real Housewife of Caroline County to check out the LinkUp and all the awesome Bloggers who are also telling a bit about themselves today 10 questions at a time.
If you are interested in joining for the the next #AskAwayFriday, feel free to contact Penny or any of the other Bloggers already involved. I promise, you will get to meet and know some awesome Bloggers each week!
Are you interested in participating in #ASKAWAYFriday?