Current Magazine

Asheville Child Makes Mud Man Since the Weatherman Lied About Snow

Posted on the 21 January 2013 by Citizenthymes @citizenthymes

ASHEVILLE- Normally you wouldn’t think the local weatherman is in the business of crushing and destroying children’s dreams.

But after meteorologists predicted three to five inches of snow for the Asheville area this past Thursday that never came, six-year-old Billy Rider was left holding his pair of mittens staring out his living room window, with tears rolling down his face.

“How could the weatherman do this to me?” said Rider.

“He promised snow and lots of it. I wanted to build a snowman.  He is a liar. My mom said lying is a sin. She says it says so in the bible. Guess what weatherman? There is no snow in hell either, because it’s hot and the devil doesn’t let you do fun things like build a snowman.”

Expecting snow, Rider had gone shopping with his mother during the day Thursday to acquire supplies for the snowman including a carrot, coal, and a scarf.

But when the snow never came, Rider was left with snowman supplies and his own imagination.

Rider spent Friday afternoon building a mud man since the weatherman is a liar

Rider spent Friday afternoon building a mud man since the weatherman is a liar

“I wasn’t going to let the weatherman ruin my weekend,” said Rider.

“So I built a mud man instead. I think it was a good alternative considering my resources, besides if I didn’t do it, I was afraid my mom was going to make me eat the carrot. I hate carrots. I think my dad was a little mad I dug up the front yard to do it though.”

As of Sunday evening the mud man had dried up turning into a dirt man.

“He went from looking like my friend Bert to my grandpa in two days,” said Rider.

Muddy the mud man turned dirt man’s luck made a turn for the worst shortly after our reporter left the Rider residence, as the family’s golden retriever took a rather large bite out of Muddy’s abdomen. Mother Nature has listed Muddy in critical condition and Muddy may not make it to next weekend.

If you would like to make a donation to Muddy’s relief fund, you can make one here. All proceeds will go to Rider in order to help pay for the next carrot needed to make a snowman, if it ever snows again.

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