Animals & Wildlife Magazine

As the Population of Humans Doubles, the Number of Animals Halves

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Human Population Growth Wipes Out Wildlife

It’s unbelievable to me that in the year 2014—going on ’15—the media still does hyperbolic backflips every time some celebrity gets pregnant or decides it might be fun to become a daddy, as if human reproduction is some mysterious miracle we should all be awed by. Well, there’s only so much awe I can take before something becomes truly awfuAs the Population of Humans Doubles, the Number of Animals Halvesl–especially in light of the fact that every new human born equates to less biodiversity for everyone.

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GR:  I have to repeat the author’s closing statement:  “Across the land you can hear the battle cry: Out of the way, animals, we’ve got diapers and baby carriages to buy.”

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