Thanks to the Town Council for the stopping negotiations with Stratford Stage Group. Where do we go from here? A majority, this Jezebel included, want to see the Theater up and running. We hope the new Town Council will forge ahead.
We know how hard it is to find new people to run for office, serve on commissions or committees, etc. It’s not because people don’t submit applications and resumes. People submit, but rarely get appointed, nominated, elected, or even a wave. The regulars just move from seat to seat with hand-picking to further agendas. People looking to do good, left behind. An appointment Monday caused quite a stir on social media (Facebook): the appointment of members to the Short Beach Commission. It shouldn’t be controversial, having volunteers is great, right? Not so much for current member Karen Daden who took sharp dagger aimed at new commission member, Pat Sperling. Pat was appointed but Ms. Daden doesn’t think Pat has the skills necessary.
As for Ms. Daden’s negative comments, many members have been placed without skills for the commission or committee on which they were placed (yes, placed). A clear example is a member of many commissions: Richard Fredette. He ran a towing business in Town (and if walls could talk) and somehow was placed on these commissions: Arts, Historic District , Board of Zoning Appeals, Charter Revision, Recycling, and probably others. Let’s take another recent hand-picked appointment: Neil Sherman. He wallowed around for months after the election where he lost to Mark Dumas until he was hand-picked by John Harkins, following a meeting at Stanziale’s with John Harkins, Karen Kaiser (and we hear Mr. Fredette). Why? Rumor has it that they wanted him. Why? Well, let’s keep a close eye on the EDC. We have no doubt it has something to do with TOD and it’s going to be a blast and very telling.
All in all, we think Pat Sperling will be just fine, she is resourceful and smart. Oh, well, as the saying goes, THIS IS STRATFORD! What more can we expect? So much better than soap operas, that’s for sure.