I must commend artist, Matthew Burrows, for his amazing Artist Support Pledge initiative on Instagram. It's a great idea and I am now taking part in it. If you are interested in any of the artworks that I've posted on Instagram with the hashtag #artistsupportpledge (and which are therefore available for sale at £200 or under) then please feel free to contact me at [email protected](or DM me on Instagram or Twitter).
The concept is simple: Artists who commit to the pledge will post images of works for sale (available to anyone, not just to other artists), for no more than £200 ($230), and each time their sales reach £1,000 ($1,155) they promise to buy another artist's work for £200.
"I realized the work needed to be cheap enough to make selling it an act of generosity, but also I needed to make that infectious," Burrows says, "generosity creates generosity." Burrows first posted about the initiative some days ago, selling his own 2012 etching, 'The Seer', and he received an "immediate response." there are now more than 1,000 posts, which he hopes to translate in 1,000 pledges.
Here's the statement that Matthew Burrows put out at the start of the project - "Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many artists have found themselves without work teaching, technical support, gallery work, exhibitions and sales have disappeared. In an attempt to help alleviate some of the stress I have instigated the ARTIST SUPPORT PLEDGE#artistsupportpledge. The concept is a simple one. You post images of your work you are willing to sell for no more than £200 each (not including shipping). Every time you reach £1000 of sales you pledge to buy another artist's work for £200".
Here are the titles & info on the Artist Support Pledge pieces I have available for £200 each. They are from my ongoing 2020-2021 art challenge, in which I'm aiming to create as many small oil paintings/sketches as possible in a twelve month period. My original goal was a thousand paintings but due to sculptural commitments I'm now aiming for around the four hundred paintings mark.
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] (or DM me through Instagram or Twitter) for any further info -
1 Horse Rider & Poppies, 22.2 x 11.3 cm, oil on plywood4 Stroke Bunny, 24 x 15 cm, oil & charcoal on plywood 5 Skull, 22.4 x 17 cm, oil on plywood13 Thames Embryo in Wonderland, 21 x 30 cm, oil on book cover15 Skull Boy, 22.3 x 17 cm, oil on plywood20 Tentacle Lovers, 16 x 23.4 cm, oil on chipboard27 Twigs in Wooden Nook, 19 x 14 cm, oil on plywood31 Skull & Cross Bones, 17 x 13.4 cm, oil on mount card33 Fig. 1., 21 x 17 cm, oil on mount card35 Blind Dinosaur, 19 x 29 cm, oil on book cover40 Blond Hair & Hand Bag, 18.4 x 10 cm, oil on mount card43 Hollow Dog Floundering, 19.4 x 15.8 cm, oil on mount card44 Rock Hopper Hollow Dog, 22.5 x 16.3 cm, oil on mount card46 Meaty Hair, 21.2 x 14.4 cm, oil on mount card50 Hollow Dog Carcass, 20 x 13.6 cm, oil on mount card51 Clown Nipple, 10 x 7.5 cm, oil on mount card54 Saintly Long Dog w Staff, 22 x 15.8 cm, oil on chipboard61 Death Loiters, 27 x 19 cm, oil on mount card66 Corona Currency, 16 x 20 cm, oil on mount cardA Rose Tripod #2 (2018), 15 x 10.2 x 1.8 cm, oil on canvas & plywood B Leggit! (2018), 15 x 20 x 1.7 cm, oil on canvas & plywoodC Gill Man (2018), 14.5 x10.3 x1.8 cm, oil on canvas & plywood
Most of the other pieces in my ongoing 2020-2021painting challenge are also for sale but they're closer to the £500 mark.