Articulate for Kids (rrp £19.99, age 6 to 12, for 4-20 players), is the hugely entertaining junior version of Drumond Park's perennially popular and hilariously raucous Articulate! board game - which has enjoyed an enviable non-stop run in the top UK Adult Games charts ever since its release in 1992!
Articulate for kids is based on the adult version of the game which goes by the more simple title "Articulate" the main difference with these two games is the level of difficulty of the words on the cards.

There is a small board with different coloured spaces on them. Each coloured space corresponds to a colour on the card and also a category of words which need to be "Articulated".
The instructions are slightly difficult to get your head around or at least I thought so anyway. The "Guessers and Describers" part seems more for larger groups of team players and in the evenings its just the three of us.I do think the more players, the better as more players means teams but its fine playing as solo members too. When it's just me, Ryan and Jordanna we simply take a turn each, swapping roles of guessers and Describers.
There is no dice either which is unusual for a board game. Everyone begins on the start space which is the object category. I usually go first so that the kids get the gist of the game and I have to try to describe as many words as possible before the timer runs out.
There are of course rules for describing. These include not saying any letters, how many letters, actual word, rhymes, sounds like or mouthing words.

So whilst the object word robot may be easy (mechanical being, artificial intelligence etc) the word hole is not so easy.
Once the timer runs out the player moves the number of words guessed by other players/teams and the sinner being the one to get round the board.

It's a lot of fun and does help children use their brains a bit more to describe some pretty tricky words in ways they wouldn't normally. Younger children will probably struggle but there is a pass option too.
Drumond Park are giving away a copy of Articulate for Kids. To enter just be a resident of the UK and click the button below.
Ends July 29th!