I'm delighted to announce that I'm now part of Art-Recyclism and would like to thank the award-winning artist, Oskar Krajewski, (the driving force behind the group) for inviting me onboard and for featuring my sculptures on their new website.
Detail from 'The City' sculpture by British artist, Wayne Chisnall.
Art-Recyclism's goal is to promote sustainability through art and work with artists who create work using recycled/reclaimed materials. As the website's mission statement says, " A Visionary Recycling Artist’s role is to inspire and be inspired by scientists, experiment with materials, guide and visually entertain the public.At Recyclism we pledge to make people environmentally aware through beauty and ingenuity.We are suffocating our planet with plastic and we believe that Art can play an important role in our survival."
'Tattooed Tumour Box', sculpture by British artist, Wayne Chisnall.
We all understand that recycling alone isn't going to save the planet (or rather, our lives on the planet - the planet will roll on nicely with or without us thank you very much) but it is one of many important steps that we should be taking. Cue another piece of text lifted from the website - "Recyclism is a very current theme and hot topic in the world right now. It is a platform to show the world how to transform our waste into beautiful and useful objects. This is not something new, artists have been working with reclaimed materials for the past century but it has never been more relevant than now.The Objective for Recyclism is to challenge our consumerist society and fly in the face of the multiple corporates who show a disdain for sustainability."
'Planetoid 210', sculpture by British artist, Wayne Chisnall.
If you are an artist who makes work from reclaimed materials, and you would like to get involved with Art-Recyclism and have your work featured on the website, Facebook page and Instagram page then please feel free to get in contact. Similarly, if you are passionate about environmental issues and feel that you might have something to contribute to Recyclism, or that we could collaborate with you and help promote your cause, then also please feel free to get in touch.
Email: [email protected]