Science Magazine

Arkham Knight Dual Play Video: Batman & Nightwing Arm in Arm!

Posted on the 15 May 2015 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

Videogame season has already started, but “Batman: Arkham Knight” is a long-awaited one! Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Rocksteady Studios and DC Comics have released the second episode of “Arkham Insider,” the video preview series leading up to the release of Batman: Arkham Knight. Without a doubt, one of the most exciting new additions to the Arkham trilogy’s finale, the Dual Play mechanic.

Video above shows Lead AI Programmer Tim Hanagan gives a walkthrough of Dual Play combat, which sees Batman jumping into the fray and quickly joined by our new-action hero Nightwing announced recently. Players are able to seamlessly swap between controlling Batman and Nightwing, with the AI taking over the second character and without sacrificing any of the game’s other combat systems.

Maybe not mentioned here, Rocksteady Studios has previously revealed the “Dual Play” will factor into Predator Mode encounters as well, with Batman’s sidekicks helping to take down rooms full of enemies only from the shadows.

“Batman: Arkham Knight” goes on sale June 23.


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