Last Updated on 12 December, 2021
Ark PC Controls Keyboard – Battling, Chat, Actions, Camera, Riding creatures or vehicles, Inventory, Building and also Tek Suit & Helmet
Other Ark Controls guides: PS4, Xbox
Ark PC Controls Keyboard – General
These are the General Controls for PC Keyboard
- Move Forward: W
- Move backwards: S
- Strafe Left: A
- Strafe Right: D
- Run: Left Shift
- Toggle Run: Right Shift
- Jump: Space
- Crouch: C
- Prone: X
Battling Controls
- Primary Fire: Mouse Left button
- Aim-Down Sights/ Alternate Fire: Mouse Right Button
- Toggle Fist: Q
- Reload Weapon: R
- Drag body: G
- Melee & Pistol Whip: Left Ctrl
- Toggle weapon attachment: N/R x2
Camera Controls:
- Toggle Orbit Camera: K
- Zoom camera in: Mouse Scroll Up
- Zoom camera out: Mouse Scroll Down
- Toggle 1st/3rd person (while mounted): Mouse Wheel
HUD Controls:
- Extended HUD Infor: Hold H
- Toggle Hud: Backspace
- Toggle Nameplate Distance: End
Actions Controls:
- Open Inventory: I
- Use: E
- Access Other’s Inventory: F
- Use hotbar: 0 to 9
- Open Map: M
- Map marker: P
- Item Menu: ?
- Whistle Menu: ‘
- Throw Shoulder Mount: F
Chat Controls:
- Toggle Auto-Hide Chat box: \
- Global Chat: Enter
- Local Chat: Insert
- Tribe Chat: /
- Alliance Chat: Home
- Scroll Chat Up: Page Up
- Scroll Chat Down: Page down
- Push to talk: B
Whistles Controls:
- Whistle Selection: ‘
- Follow All: J
- Follow One: T
- Stop All: U
- Stop One: Y
- Attack my target: =
- Neutral: –
- Passive: ;
- Attack this target: .
- Move to position: ,
Tame ordering groups:
- Show Current Group: H
- Add / Remove to Group: Z
- Toggle Active Group: NumPad 0 to 9
- Show auto decay timer: H
- Emotes: Hold [ or ]
- Show Craftables: V
- Defecate: +
Ark PC Controls Keyboard – Riding Creatures or Vehicles
These are the Riding Creatures or Vehicles Controls for PC Keyboard
- Mount & Dismount: E
- Primary Fire: Mouse left button
- Alternate Fire: Mouse right button
- Jump: Space
- Land & Take off: Space
- Brake: X
- Throw Shoulder Mount: R
- Aileron roll & 3rd action: C
Ark PC Controls Keyboard – Inventory
These are the Inventory Controls for PC Keyboard
- Drop Item: O
- Transfer stack: T
- Transfer half Stack: Shift + T
- Toggle to craftables: V
- Transfer Item: Ctrl + T or Mouse left button x2
- Toggle Item Labels: Q
- Equip Item: Shift + 0 to 9
- Unequip Item: Ctrl + 0 to 9
- Repair Item: E
Ark PC Controls Keyboard – Building
These are the Building Controls for PC Keyboard
- Flip Direction: E
- Snap Point Cycle: Q or Z when placing an object
Ark PC Controls Keyboard – Tek Suit & Helmet
These are the Tek Suit & Helmet Controls for PC Keyboard
- CTRL: Armor sprint
- Hold Shift: for speedrun (even on water)
- Spacebar: Jetpack jump; double-tap for a boost
- Shift: sprint (hold it in the air to hover)
- CTRL+Spacebar+W: use the jetpack to launch forward in the air
- E: Use key (works for helmet too; double-tap to switch Vision modes)
- Right mouse button: Hold and release for punch