Are you there God? It's me, Hagar.
Wasn't it enough that Sarai gave me to Abram so he could have a child?
That when I tried to get away YOU told me to go back?
So I go back. And endure.
And Ishmael is born.
I have a reason to endure.
But then came Isaac.
And my Ishmael became a threat.
Abram put my child on my back and sent us out into the wilderness.
We have been in the wilderness ever since.
And my Ishmael is still considered a threat.
No matter what he does.
YOU said that YOU would make a great nation of my Ishmael.
Are YOU there God?
Isaac's nation is killing us.
Are YOU there God?
I'm tired of looking at the death of my child.
Are YOU there God?
Are YOU there?