Life Coach Magazine
I am back! It has felt like many lifetimes have been contained in the last few weeks. It has been such a golden time of my life. The wedding ceremony was holy and beautiful. I felt entirely present, calm and deep in love.I digress….This post is not supposed to be about our wedding – this post is about the ability we have to make life open up, or contract upon itself. This post is about fear.
When we feel fear in our heart it usually results in a couple of things. Either it causes us to be unable to act because of the fear. It causes us to remain silent when we should speak up. The fear can be so paralyzing that we avoid putting ourself out there, we avoid immersing ourself in life because our fears stop us. Most of us are aware of this fear because it’s the one that we feels limits us the most in life. It is the “Shoulda woulda coulda” kind of fear.
But fear can also cause us to act and this is the fear I want to talk about today. What about the things we do in life because of fear?
Sometimes in life we do things because we are driven by the fear of what will happen if we don’t do them. Or the fear of judgement, the fear of falling behind, the fear of failing, the list goes on and on.But we can do these very same things with another motivating force. We can do things in life with a VISION of our aspiration. A higher vision that gives us a deeper reason for the things we do.I came to the understanding that there are quite a few things I do in my life that were motivated by fear even the things I wanted to do. For example – I (along with many in my class) are eye deep in the convoluted application processes for medical electives at a number of hospitals in North America. It is stressful and I am motivated by fear – I do everything I need to do out of fear. The fear of deadlines, the fear of falling behind, the fear of not getting accepted, the fear of not making the right career decisions. This fear propels me to do the things I need to do to apply. But it makes the journey so unenjoyable! It puts me in a position where I only want to do things in order to extinguish my fears and worries. This is a very limited way of thinking.Instead of fear, if I was instead motivated by my VISION, then things would look quite different. My vision involves me practicing medicine and helping people as much as I can. My vision is to gain experience and knowledge in a hospital. My vision is to some day end up back in North America, near my family.This vision is empowering. And when I contemplate the vision, and not my fears – it truly expands my focus and reminds me why I need to do the things I am doing. Why I am studying medicine. Why I am on a wild goose chase through these application processes.Being motivated by The Vision