Many times, there are different scenarios in meetings that may not be the best approach. They’re painful to see, but happen so often, there ought to be a law against them!
Scenario 1: The Vocal Minority
Imagine, there is a room of 16 people sitting at tables in a u-shape. The facilitator is in the front leading the session. The discussion has been going for some time on the best approach for solving a sticky issue. However, over the past 10 minutes there seems to be a general consensus building. The facilitator checks in.
Facilitator: It sounds like we may have landed on a solution. Are people okay with this solution?
Joe: It’s a great compromise. Let’s do it.
Sylvia: I agree. It looks good.
Facilitator: Okay then, let’s move.
I cringe. Joe and Sylvia said yes. No one else spoke. I guess that meant the answer was yes. And then, later in the day.
And then, later in the day…
Facilitator: Perhaps we should take a break here?
Debbie: Yes, please.
Facilitator: Okay, break it is. See you in ten minutes.Wow. Debbie probably had no idea she had so much power!
How often have you seen this happen? I call it “going with the vocal minority.” In the case of the break, it could have been that only Debbie wanted to break. However, because the facilitator went with the first voice that was heard, the group was completely disempowered. Debbie – a vocal minority – made the decision for the entire group.
In the first example, at least the facilitator waited to hear from two people before concluding that the decision was made. But suppose nine or ten of the other fourteen were not in favor? We will never know because the facilitator went with a vocal minority.
Keep in mind that the vocal minority might just be the will of the group. But if less than half the people in the group voice their opinion, you have only heard from the vocal minority and you are letting this vocal minority make the decision for the group.
Scenario 2: The Informed Majority-
What should have happened instead?
Facilitator: It sounds like we have a landed on a solution. Are people okay with this?
Joe: It’s a great compromise. Let’s do it.
Sylvia: I agree. It looks good.
Facilitator: Okay, we have had two people speak for it. Would someone like to speak against it. If not, the decision is made by acclimation.
Tom: I basically like what we have outlined. But I would like to suggest we modify the last part by…
Facilitator: Okay, we have two options on the table. The original which I will call option 1, and then option 2 which modifies the last part by… Are there other comments for either option or is there a third option someone feels strong support for? (pause) Okay, with these two options, we have heard people speak for them, let’s call the question. Those in favor of…
If it is an important decision, instead of informed majority which uses a majority vote, you might instead use five-finger consensus as a better approach for building buy-in. The point here is to avoid going with the vocal minority, but instead to give everyone a voice in the decision.
With the break example, you might use a simple consensus check to avoid going with the vocal minority.
Facilitator: Perhaps we should take a break here?
Debbie: Yes, please.
Facilitator: Let me check in with the group. Those in favor of taking a break here? That’s over half the group. See you in ten minutes.
Author: Michael A. Wilkinson Article Source:
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