Changes On Social Sites Keep On Changing
Everyday you go online and see new changes on social sites. It can be daunting to keep with changes on social sites on a daily or even weekly basis. One day you go on Facebook and the next day you go back to do the same thing and the function is gone. Has that ever happened to you?
Facebook's Latest Changes
Facebook often make changes quicker than some of us change our underwear or on Google + where they are trying to compete with the ever changing Facebook.
Facebook now employs over 17,000 people. So they can move fast making changes as they see needed today.
Facebook Algorithm Updates
This is the biggest and most often change on the social network Facebook. One day you see your friends posts and the next day they disappear. You wonder if your friends left Facebook. According to Entrepreneur Facebook likes posts the most with a lot of shares, comments and likes in a short period of time. So if your posts are not getting this type of action your friends may NOT see your post.
Facebook's goal is to show you posts that matter the most to you. They personalize what you see now. They are focusing on the user experience to keep people on their network for longer period of time. (This of course will help them sell more ads on their network to serve to them.)
They assign relevancy scores to each story you read, comment on, etc. Whether it is from your friends or a Facebook page. If you watched the video from Entrepreneur the Facebook developer there tells us to experiment on Facebook. Facebook changes so fast that what works today may not tomorrow!
See First Feature on Facebook
You can set your news feed preference to see things first from your favorite friends and pages.
First go to your News Feed Preferences: (use the arrow down top right hand corner of your Facebook profile)
Next click on it to see your Facebook news feed preference. Then you can choose what you want to see first in your news feed. This is where you may want to eliminate those that post things you don't want to see, political, promotional, offensive etc.
You get to choose your preferences.

Facebook Preferences
Note that you can unfollow people vs. unfriending them on Facebook. You can even reconnect with them if you forgot that you did unfollow someone from years ago. This feature really can personalize your Facebook newsfeed just for you. You can choose what to see first and from who when you log into the network.
Twitter Changes on Social Sites
Twitter's biggest change was their character count increase. They increased their character count from 140 to 280!
Twitter users can do a lot more with this recent social network change. People can tag more people in one tweet and share longer quotes and info.
10 Proven Hacks That'll Make You a Better & Successful blogger via @mosclement #Bloggingtips Mentioned you in this post @MrsPaznanski @Lisapatb @RyanBiddulph @janlgordon @Problogger @adamjayc @harleenas @AskAaronLee @Marley_Baird @DhariLo Please Retweet!
- Moss Clement (@mosclement) December 4, 2017
Twitter Lite
Twitter just announced on their blog this new feature. It is a new mobile web experience that minimizes data usage, loads quicker on slower connections, and is more resilient on unreliable mobile networks. They found those that use it receive 50% more engagement on the network! I went to look for it on my Android and it's not available to me yet 🙂 but beware of fake ones. I made a screenshot of the real Twitter Lite app and added it to my wishlist. (See below).

Quora's Recent Update
Quora now lets your pin your favorite answer to your profile page. This came just last week as I was on the social network answering questions. It flashed on their mobile app and I quickly added one and then changed it later. You can update this at anytime to feature your best answers. I love this social network change.
If you are not on Quora or not following me click on the image above to follow. It's a great site to learn and help other people with their questions.
I wrote about Quora on Proven SEO earlier this year and it now has become in my top 10 traffic sources here at Inspire to Thrive.
Snapchat Redesign
Snapchat too recently got on the bandwagon in a big way. They are taking the media out of social with their network. You can read more about this new update rolling out soon at Janice Wald's place as I wrote a new piece all about it. (Hint, December 16!)
LinkedIn Updates
Their biggest update this year was that they no longer displays work anniversaries and birthdays of your connections in your LinkedIn feed. Instead, you'll receive these updates on the Notifications page. Do Note: Turning off the option to share profile edits eliminates notifications about changes to a member's profile to their network.
The Pinterest Updates
Pinterest has become more like Google and Facebook with their marketing applications. They now offer search solutions are available through the Pinterest Ads Manager.
According to Pinterest there are over 2 billion search done on their social network every month. That's billion with a B! Imagine trying to get a piece of that pie. Even 2% would be a lot of traffic for any of us to generate at our blogs or small businesses.
I've recently been drawing more traffic via this social network with their Tailwind app and Tailwind Tribes. It is similar to Triberr with how it works and brings referral traffic this way. You can be part of my tribe here for a 30 day free trial.
In addition Tailwind offers a program for Instagram too! More to come on this app and what it can do for your blog or small business traffic with Pinterest.
Just Pinned to Pinterest Tools: Pin like a Pro with the Tailwind Pinterest Scheduler! Automating my Pinterest Marketing with Tailwind has helped me grow my blog while giving me time to focus on my business.
- John Hocking (@10minuteexpert) December 6, 2017
Google Plus - More Changes on Social Sites
The most recent thing I've read on this social network is that they are working on fixing an issue with porn spam. have you encountered this on the network yourself? I haven't been using this one often. Maybe a few times monthly. (We cannot spread ourselves out too thin with social media!)
YouTube Recent Update
YouTube has come up with an update to stop the app on your mobile device from killing your battery. Phew, I bet a lot of you are happy about this one!
Of course Youtube has some recent algorithm changes which is no surprise as they are owned by Google. You can read more via Adweek on what this means for those that use YouTube.
If you want to master YouTube do follow Ms. Ileane as she's the blogger queen of YouTube today!
Let's Not Forget Instagram's Social Network Changes
Not but not least is Instagram.
They recently let users add to old stories and expand upon the stories. Being able to add older content is huge for Instagram stories.
Not only can you change stories but now you see on your desktop for Instagram. Therefore these can use these Instagram features on your desktop too.
Lastly Instagram is testing a new feature called Stop Motion Camera. This will allow you to take a series of photos and assemble them into a video. I can't wait to try this one out!