Society Magazine

Are You a Bible-Thinking Woman?

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
I'm just a regular church woman. I attend services consistently, I read my devotional Valley of Vision regularly, I read the Bible and I study it too. I listen to sermons online as I go through the week, and I pray, though not as often as I should.
When I'm in small group I try to be the elder model of the Titus 2 woman for the younger, and I do my best to submit to authority in spiritual life as well as secular.
I don't hold special seminary degrees, though I take classes online when I can. I have a talent of writing I use for the Lord within the scope of the Spiritually delivered gifts (discernment and encouragement). I'm not trained in any exceptional way, and I'm mindful of that when I write and speak.
My heart is firmly locked in the battleground between true doctrine and false doctrine. I hate false doctrine. I hate anything that steals glory from Jesus, and false doctrine does that. I hate anything that draws women away from seeing the glory of Jesus, and false doctrine does that.
False doctrine growing in the heart of a woman does not show itself, because it's in the heart. False doctrine grows in the dark, nestled in the unattended corners of the mind, where sin flourishes, untouched by the Word. It can't be seen, except for when the woman speaks. But even then, the false that's growing in her isn't usually visible until it's more fully matured and the false doctrine stays silent until then. What one can see, is the book they are carrying around with them.
It absolutely pierces my heart with daggers to see a woman carrying around a Beth Moore study...the latest Ann Voskamp book...Misty Edwards CD. By this I know (unless she is reading/listening for research purposes) that she lacks discernment and unwittingly is absorbing the lies these teachers/singers promote.
The massive attention given in churches to the pulpit is rightfully done. This is where truth is preached. The attention given to the youth and college age is also rightfully given. Our youth are increasingly failing to be taught and maintain even a minimal biblical world view, as the series by Todd Friel et all Untethered shows us. The men being discipled by elders is also important, they are the next generation of deacons, pastors, missionaries, leaders, not to mention being leaders in the home. And who doesn't like the childrens' church services and activities? It's fulfilling to share Jesus with eager hearts such as the kids have. Lots of money is poured into the childrens' ministries in many, many churches.
Sadly the women's ministry is often given short shrift. It's admittedly hard to maintain eagle eyes on every ministry, all the time. When the volunteer list becomes short, or the ladies seem like they're doing OK with no issues or complaints bugging the pastor, something has to give and often it's the women's ministry. With raising up men in church being given such priority, as it should, oftentimes the women aren't being raised up. So...women turn to extra-church ministries for study or spiritual advancement.
I read this essay and I liked it. The author, an pastor's wife in LA, asked the question, Are You a Bible-Thinking Woman?
Woman of faith, woman of God, or godly woman, is often used to describe a Christian woman. How often do you hear someone say, she is a Bible thinking woman? Maybe it’s because we all assume that if we are a Christian, we automatically are Bible thinking women. But unfortunately, not all of us professing Christian women, have committed to being a Bible thinking woman. So what exactly is a Bible thinking woman?
So... are you a Bible thinking woman? Do you refer to the Bible for your life skills? For your spiritual answers? As your moral benchmark? Read the short article to see the author's explanation of her three main points about what encompasses a Bible thinking woman.
#1- Hold Scripture in high regard.
#2- Renews her mind with the Word.
#3- A woman who thinks.
Bible thinking women tend to fall for false teachers less often. Though they (we) can and do stumble we have guarded their hearts with the Word, and if we do follow one it tends to be for less time because the false is spotted sooner.
Stating that one is a Christian is not the same as being a Bible-thinking woman. We develop a biblical worldview from our Bible reading and study, listening to solid preaching, and having a lively prayer life with Jesus in close relationship with Him. Don't assume just because you're a believer that you are a Bible thinking woman. That comes with study, practice, submission to the Spirit and spiritual authorities, and pursuing a holy life. We grow into mature, Bible-thinking women.
Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith in God, (Hebrews 6:1)
Are You a Bible-Thinking Woman?

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