Traditionally women sought out guys to marry who showed that they could earn money and provide for a comfortable lifestyle. Looks and personality were also factors, and certainly some women married guys with few prospects to provide an income out of love, but the ability to earn a living was always important. At one point in history this was probably the guy who could hunt and build a cabin, or who had land and could raise crops and animals, but with time it morphed into the guy who could earn a six-figure salary. The guy with the nice car, nice clothes, and nice watch was the one who got the girl. Guys would buy the meals and pay for everything on dates, give gifts, and even give an expensive diamond ring when proposing in part as a way to show the ability to provide.
For many guys, attractiveness, both physical and inner beauty, were important factors when looking for a wife. Finding someone who was fun to talk to and nice to be around, and someone who was caring and nurturing, could also be important factors. Few guys really cared about a woman’s ability to pay for things because they had always assumed that they would be earning money for the family. Many guys might even feel intimidated if a woman earned more than them and was the primary breadwinner, and therefore not even seriously consider a woman who was more successful. Likewise, many women would not respect a man who earned less than them.
Gender roles are all changing, however, with many women are choosing to primarily focus on a career. Women are moving into top roles at companies and gaining parity with men in many fields. There are even more women attending college then men in the US, so it only makes sense that many women are moving into the position of primary breadwinner.
Given this shift, one would expect more men to be taking the role of caring for and training the children, along with managing the household since it would make more sense for the wife to work. Given this trend, you would therefore expect women to start seeking men who would be better at raising children. You would expect them to be looking for men with qualities such as patience, concern, devotion, communication, an ability for multi-tasking, and selflessness instead of seeking the type-A personality with little patience who is quick to anger.

And yet it seems as though men’s role has rarely changed, so we have ended up with scenarios in which both parents work and where both are heavily focused on their careers. This can result in some high household incomes, leading to the generation of lots of tax revenue, but it leaves the children being raised by others or by themselves. It is as if both parents have decided to leave the cave and hunt because the hunt has become such a focus that both parents have forgotten why they were hunting in the first place. Society has suffered as the internet and television has raised the last generation of children and imported its morals upon them, the morals of Harvey Weinstein and individuals in the darkest corners of the world.
Maybe it is time for career-minded women to seek out men who can better fulfill the role of primary caregiver and mentor for their children instead of choosing men based on their ability to provide. A woman who can ear a six-figure income doesn’t need a man who can do so as well. Most people who really crunch the numbers will find that a family will actually come out better on one income with a spouse spending time doing things like preparing meals at home and taking care of the children than they will with two incomes. In addition, time spent in childcare for one’s own children is tax-free, where extra income made at work is taxed at the highest rates.

Our children really need to become more of the focus. Why wouldn’t we want to spend time training our children to be good, self-sufficient citizens that share our values and make the world better rather than creating the next report or presentation that will just be forgotten in a week? Children are our greatest legacy and will make far more of an impact that anything most of us will do in the office. Why would we be satisfied to pay a stranger minimum wage to simply watch our children rather than to make sure our children are educated, motivated, and cared-for?
So what do you think? If you are a woman who is focused on your career, would you marry a guy because he would be a good parent instead of finding someone who would be a good provider? If you are a guy, would you be satisfied raising your family instead of going into work each day, and would you feel important doing so?
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Disclaimer: This blog is not meant to give financial planning or tax advice. It gives general information on investment strategy, picking stocks, and generally managing money to build wealth. It is not a solicitation to buy or sell stocks or any security. Financial planning advice should be sought from a certified financial planner, which the author is not. Tax advice should be sought from a CPA. All investments involve risk and the reader as urged to consider risks carefully and seek the advice of experts if needed before investing.