Self Expression Magazine

Are Social Media Newsfeeds Dead in the Coming Year?

By Lisa @Lisapatb

The good old social media newsfeeds are nearly dead and have been watered down over the years with pages, groups, stories, fleets, and now spaces.

If you haven't seen recently Twitter began doing Fleets and LinkedIn started with their stories feature and products tab. Instagram added reels which is a whole new stream in itself.

Many of these latest features are for mobile devices only. As that emerged now spaces are coming to Twitter. What will happen to the old newsfeeds? Will they become obsolete newsfeeds?

Are Social Media Newsfeeds Dead in the Coming Year?

I'm beginning to think so as we enter into 2021. How will small businesses keep up with all these social media changes?

The good old social media newsfeeds are nearly dead and have been watered down over the years with pages, groups, stories, fleets, and now spaces. #socialmedia Click To Tweet

The Facebook Social Media NewsFeeds Have Been Dead for a While

If you go onto Facebook today you have choices on how to view your newsfeed. You can just view videos which draw in a lot of ad revenue for Facebook.

Facebook says it rewards organic reach to posts that drive discussion and hold users' attention, after all, videos do that. If you have a Facebook page, you will find videos receive more views than other types of posts.

The Facebook algorithm controls the ordering and presentation of posts, so users see what is most relevant to them. Having your posts shared by others helps in this algorithm and reach of your post.

Rather than publish content chronologically, posts and ads are presented based on what Facebook sees as relevant to you, the user. Facebook also prefers you don't share all links in your Facebook posts. Unique content wins over any link type of post.

Rather than publish content chronologically, posts and ads are presented based on what Facebook sees as relevant to you, the user. #Facebook Click To Tweet

You Can Choose Facebook Groups vs. the Main Newsfeeds

Groups have become the rage over on Facebook. But how is the algorithm working for these other newsfeed options? Well, according to Agorapulse the Facebook group's reach is much better than a page's reach today.

Some of the tips from them include:

  • Offer exclusive content in the Facebook Group.
  • Answer questions from the group.
  • Share faces behind the brand.

But if you do start your own Facebook Group be prepared to devote time to it! You will have to moderate and respond to comments quickly. (Having more than one person manage a group would be a smart move!)

Remember, it's either time or money. Right now, Facebook is not using Group ads but I bet it may be on the radar!

Twitter Lists Keep You Off the Main Twitter Newsfeed

On Twitter, there have been Twitter lists for years. It's a great way to stay focused on Twitter especially in this past year.

You can make your lists private or public. You can add or delete people at any time as needed.

However, you do have options with your Twitter newsfeeds. You can pick your favorite topics that will change your algorithm. Go to your settings and explore areas to see all of the latest options.

You can even change what you see when you click on a tweet - there is an option to say you are not interested in this tweet. Another way to change your own algorithm.

Are Social Media Newsfeeds Dead in the Coming Year?
Are Social Media Newsfeeds Dead in the Coming Year?

The above example shows how you can change your timeline/algorithm!

Now Twitter is ready to roll out "spaces."

However, you do have options with your Twitter newsfeeds. #TwitterTips Click To Tweet

What Are Twitter Spaces?

Spaces is a place to come together, built around the voices of the people using Twitter, your Twitter community.

Spaces are live for as long as they're open; once ended, they will no longer be available publicly on Twitter. The first rollout is for those with the IOS platform. I'll have to wait here as I'm on Android. But you can sign up too! (Unless you have a private/protected Twitter account.)

However, there is a limit of 10 people per space that can speak. Yes, these Twitter spaces will be audio. Twitter will review them and suspend anyone who violates their spaces rules.

What About The Instagram Algorithm?

Instagram is another interesting social media network. The algorithm here is based solely on engagement.

According to Instagram itself "What shows up first in your feed is determined by what posts and accounts you engage with the most, as well as other contributing factors such as the timeliness of posts, how often you use Instagram, how many people you follow, etc."

Sounds like another secret sauce recipe, doesn't it? But wait, there is more. What about the stories and reels feed? Yes, is your head spinning yet? Welcome to my world of managing social media 🙂

One thing I've read recently that is of utmost importance: Spending time on Instagram for at least 5 minutes a day and that is commenting on others' posts and sending messages. Do not just post your "stuff" on Instagram and go running off elsewhere.

Are Social Media Newsfeeds Dead in the Coming Year?

Social Media Newsfeeds for Pinterest Changed Recently

If you read my last post here it was inspired by my not spending time on Pinterest as much in the coming year with their algorithm changes. Not even Tailwind could make a difference anymore.

The highest month of views was over 110,000 and then it dropped to under 50,000 with the new Pinterest algorithm. Pinterest was not a main driver of traffic here so I decided not to spend the time there in the coming year. I will still be there but just not as often.

LinkedIn Algorithm Also Changed Earlier in 2020

LinkedIn had big changes in its newsfeed algorithm. Ross Simmonds explained this well in a blog post

"Your content is essentially being served up to a SMALL batch of people who you're connected to as a test and if those people ENGAGE, it's then passed along to Editors (Real People) to determine whether it should continue to be shown to the masses."

The more your content is shared in the small group of your contacts, the more it goes out in front of more people on LinkedIn.

So LinkedIn basically followed in Facebook's footsteps of how posts are shared and seen. It all comes down to the engagement factor.

YouTube Algorithm Updated

Now, YouTube has changed their newsfeed many times over the years and as it's owned by Google it is more of a secret sauce. It's a "real-time feedback loop that tailors videos to each viewer's different interests." YouTube decides who will be shown videos.

They watch user behavior and see if people are watching, sharing, or commenting on the content. So even YouTube is about engagement.

You can use certain keywords and descriptions to help your videos been shown in the YouTube search though. A great tool to use to help you is called Tube Buddy that you can try for FREE.

It has helped me a lot this past year to have my videos more optimized for the YouTube network.

Over To You

Do you think the social media newsfeeds are dead or will they be revived in the coming year? I'd love to know more in the comments below.

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