Eco-Living Magazine

Are Hydrogen-Powered Cars Actually The Future?

Posted on the 28 April 2023 by Ecoexperts @TheEcoExperts

There are currently just 15 hydrogen fuel stations across the UK

Hydrogen-powered cars produce zero emissions whilst running

Only two fully hydrogen cars are available to purchase in 2023

Traditional vehicles, using either petrol or diesel, contribute to almost a quarter of the UK's total emissions (Department for Transport, 2022). We need to move away from these polluting machines rapidly if we want to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

Electric cars are one solution, and are likely to be the one most people have heard about, but what about hydrogen-powered cars?

If the hydrogen is produced in a sustainable way, these vehicles release zero emissions and could be a better alternative to powering cars using big, lithium batteries.

In this article, we've answered whether hydrogen-powered cars are actually the future of transportation, whether they even exist yet, what barriers there are to them in the UK, and when they'll be widely available.

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