Languages Magazine

Are English Natives Always the Best When It Comes to Teaching English?

By Tlb

Often we scrutinize the various features language schools may posses especially when we have really decided to learn English language in a language school. Often, we wonder its features and the benefits learners could avail, the effectiveness of each language course, and evidently, the efficiency of the teachers whom responsible for letting learners learn languages effectively. We really make sure that the teachers teaching in these language institutions are native English speakers.

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But, have you ever wondered, or perhaps questioned, if English natives are always the best group of people when teaching English language?

In a country where the native language is not necessarily English—a country like Indonesia— details that “seventy percent of the teachers at EF are native English speakers, while 30 percent are Indonesians.” With this large number, does this only make teachers from Jakarta less competitive?

For the people like Rosyid Nurul Hakim, Daniella Marni, Diana Chandrawira, Arief Rachman, and Santi Kurnia, the status quo concerning the English native teachers as the best in teaching English proves not to be true at all.

With the large influence of English among the people across the globe today, the people who actually are not native speakers but are able to undergo formal training in English language have become competitive in teaching English among other learners.

Such example is illustrated by Rosyid Nurul Hakim, who undergone a rigid English language training in Jakarta in its “world’s largest private education company that specializes in language training, educational tours and cultural exchange.”

Daniella Marni, who took all the while to go to Melbourne and learn English language because she needs to able to communicate well in English since she’s going to live for a while in an English-speaking country.

Diana Chandrawira, senior operations manager at EF, is currently expanding their language school’s territory to give opportunities to those employees who are in deep need of learning English.

So, reading the article which the named people stood up and proved that they can also be competitive even if English is not their native language, do you think that native speakers are only the best teachers when learners learn English at language school? Think again.

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