
Architectural Lighting with Recessed Bipolar Ionizer (Sterionizer)

Posted on the 27 September 2022 by Ebaircontrol @ebaircontrol

In recent and post-Covid times a lot of discussions have been underway in terms of keeping indoor places safe and preventing the recurrence of another COVID-like pandemic. As people started returning to places of work or engagement, building owners are creating Air Quality Shield at workplaces to emphasize and assure people that the spread of contagion through indoor air is minimum.

Although various Indoor Air Quality technologies and solutions have been adopted over time, some stand apart in terms of quality others in terms of innovation and efficacy towards combating stringent particulates/contaminants in the air.

EB Air’s foray in this market with Sterionizer (Bipolar Ionizer) has been both predictive and prescriptive to the tune that Sterionizer was lauded as a go-to solution for many applications, especially where traditional improved methodology proved less robust during COVID.

As Sterionizer gained ground and proved its worth during the peak pandemic, many designers and consultants entailed adaptation as means to integrate Sterionizer inside traditional Fan coils, Terminal Units as well recessed lighting or fixtures.

On the architectural lighting front, it proved very worthy to consider Sterionizer D5 unit impregnated with ceiling airflow cassette unit and light fixture. As light and air were combined so was the benefit of Sterionizer-D5 install, which activated positive ions in the discharge air from the ceiling unit to sweep the area and disseminate suspended airborne particles. The idea proved epic as additional fixture or installation cost was eliminated given the solution came integrated.

As the wave of the pandemic started to dwindle down, it was conveyed to building owners’ property managers, and facility owners not to let their guard down but rather adopt a comprehensive ongoing cost-effective solution to mitigate air-borne risks and other possible disease transmissions now and in future.

There are numerous creative solutions EB Air can offer with Sterionizer for both existing and new design construction. Contact us for details.

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