April 18th is... Paul Revere's Midnight Ride/Paul Revere Day (1775), David Tennant's (Dr. Who) birthday (1971), San Francisco Earthquake Anniversary (1906), Albert Einstein Died (1955), International Juggler's Day, Adult Autism Awareness Day/Adult Autism Day, International Amateur Radio Day, International Day for Monuments and Sites/International Monuments and Sites Day/World Heritage Day, National Animal Crackers Day, National Lineman Appreciation Day, Newspaper Columnists' Day/National Columnists' Day, National Velociraptor Awareness Day, Pet Owners Independence Day/Pet Owner's Day/Pet Parents' Day Off, Piñata Day, Champions' Day, Yankee Stadium Birthday (1923), First Laundromat Opens Fort Worth TX (1934), National Stress Awareness Day, Third World Day, National Sleep Apnea Awareness Day, National Transgender HIV Testing Day, Friend's Day (Brazil), Invention Day (Japan), St. Aya's Day
MORE: Get to Know Your Customers Day, International Pizza Cake Day, Maundy Thursday/Holy Thursday, National Ask An Atheist Day, National D.A.R.E. Day/National Drug Abuse Resistance Education Day, National High Five Day, Support Teen Literature Day/Celebrate Teen Literature Day, National Poem In Your Pocket Day
PLUS - interesting books to read and free printables, paper crafts, kid crafts, activities, and coloring pages.
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-- Paul Revere (Late December, 1734 – May 10, 1818) was an American silversmith and a patriot in the American Revolution. On the evening of April 18, 1775, Paul Revere was summoned by Dr. Joseph Warren of Boston, to be given the task of riding to Lexington, Massachusetts, with the news regular troops were about to march into the countryside northwest of Boston.
Read: Paul Revere's Ride
-- David Hackett Fischer fashions an exciting narrative offering deep insight into the outbreak of revolution and the emergence of the American republic. When the fateful night arrived, more than sixty men and women joined him on his task of alarm--an operation Revere himself helped to organize and set in motion. Fischer recreates Revere's capture that night, showing how it had an important impact on the events which followed. He had an uncanny gift for being at the center of events, and the author follows him to Lexington Green--setting the stage for a fresh interpretation of the battle which began the war.

• Paul Revere Coloring and Activity Books
Paul Revere's Ride
Amazon Freebies:🐎 Read Paul Revere ebooks for free with a Free Trial of Kindle Unlimited
🐎 Watch Paul Revere Videos for Free with a Free Trial of Amazon Prime
🐎 Listen to Paul Revere Audible books with Amazon Audible, and Get Two Free Audiobooks
Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities and Crafts:
🐎 Facts and Printables About the American Revolution
🐎 Paul Revere's Ride - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
🐎 Paul Revere's Ride Coloring Pages
🐎 Free Midnight Ride Mini Unit Study
🐎 Map of Paul Revere's ride
🐎 Paul Revere Craft Ideas for Children
🐎 How to Make an Americana Lantern | Craft Warehouse
🐎 So you want to look like Paul Revere? Here's how:
🐎 Timeline Worksheet: April 18-19, 1775, Paul Revere and the American Revolution
🐎 Paul Revere's Ride | Stories Podcast
🐎 Free Paul Revere Printables and Worksheets
🐎 How to Make a Patriotic Tricorn Paper Hat
More Holiday Printables:
• Earthquake Printables
• State Unit Study - California
• Albert Einstein Printables
• Albert Einstein Activities, Printables and Games
San Francisco Earthquake Anniversary (1906)
- The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 was a major earthquake which struck San Francisco, and the coast of Northern California at 5:12 a.m. on Wednesday, April 18, 1906, with a moment magnitude (Mw) of 7.9.
Albert Einstein Died (1955)
- Albert Einstein (born March 14, 1879 – died April 18, 1955) was one of the most famous scientists of the 20th century. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. His theories of special and general relativity are of huge importance to many branches of physics and astronomy. They have been verified by many experiments and observations. Einstein is famous for his theories about light, matter, gravity, space, and time. His most famous equation is E=mc^2.
International Juggler's Day
- Celebrate the skill of juggling and those talented people who can juggle many balls and objects at once. Common objects you will find flying through the air above a jugglers head including but not limited to: balls, clubs, swords, plates, rings, flaming sticks, quarters, shovels, apples and everything else you can imagine.