It is still believed that smartphones and other similar gadgets will only distract your kids in school and in their studies, but this could not be further from the truth, because there is a plethora of apps to choose from which will not only aid your children, but it will greatly improve their overall mental capacities and how they can perform in general. Moreover, it will be a fun experience for them, which will ensure that they view studying as something that can be fun and enjoyable.
Make Use of the Wikispeaker App
No parent enjoys when they are being bombarded with constant questions, and after a long day it gets bothersome real quick. However, with the Wikispeaker app, your child will be able to ask the important questions without having to type anything, and the app will find relevant information that will hopefully satisfy your child’s curiosity. On the other hand, your kids will be able to teach you something new they learned as well, which will make this app a really useful tool in curbing their curiosity and making sure that their adventurous and curious spirit does not fade away.
Learning Math with a Magician
Nobody likes to spend time on explaining math, because it can become tedious quite fast, but with the help of the Mathemagics app, your children will not only get a great instructor in telling them precisely what they need to do, but it will also be a fun experience as it is like being a magician. However, the app can only explain up to a certain degree and it will be inevitable for your children to come running back and asking all kinds of different math related questions which might even make your head hurt.
Grasping the Basics of Language Learning
There are many language boosting apps and sites which are meant to help you out in the long run, but not a few carry the option to practice all four necessary lingual skills, and you also get a chance to interact with other people from that language group with Duolingo. However, be aware that is app is great to grasp the simple basics of things and that it is also great for brushing up on existing knowledge, but anything further than that, you will need to search for more advanced and evolved apps to help you out.
Making Notes Become Worthy
With the Evernote app it only becomes a question of time when your children will learn how to use it properly, because it offers great assistance when exchanging notes between other children and between teachers as well. It offers great flexibility in a sense that you do not have to spend most of your time trying to take notes and that you can easily exchange it, which will enable your children to focus on what is really important: the lectures itself. It will take some time to learn it completely, but it is well worth the investment as the benefits are countless.
A Utopia for Learning
When your kids get bored of apps, and when their thirst for knowledge becomes greater, it will be only a question of time when they will want to look up more information and help, and in that case it will be best to direct them towards the learning place, which offers abundant information and different ways to help out. However, as it is with all information from apps and websites, always take it with great reserve, as you can never be exactly sure if the data is entirely true or not.
Focusing on Integrating Technology into Classrooms
It is only a question of time when apps will be widely used in classrooms everywhere, because the potential and benefits they offer is great and it will only become more efficient in the future. It offers a great way for children to learn and to find information on their own, which is going to be extremely important for them. However, relying solely on technology should not be done, especially with children, there should always be someone who will teach them how to use it, and how to best utilize its amazing features.
Here is a list a link to more apps for children that Uplifting Families has shared: here.
Photo Credit: Flickr via Creative Commons
Does your child use apps on your phone or tablet? What is their favorite app?
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