Fashion Magazine


By Winyeemichelle
Daisybutter - Hong Kong Fashion and Lifestyle Blog

A week of not sleeping much, making plans and doing plans, and then some. 一. This has been my week of feeling extremely active in the evenings and borderline-ridiculously sleepy in the mornings. Like I mentioned last week, I've been getting down with my fitness routine and I really like it?! Introduced an extra set of stretches and core work to push myself as I finally snapped a 'before' photograph this week and they're right: ain't no motivation like that. I'm mainly looking at toning up before any more people get annoyed at me ;)
二. Hong Kong is so windy that if you saw me in the street, you wouldn't really because my face is often devoured by me hair.
三. I filmed a YouTube video yesterday and I'm slowly (and I mean slowly) edited and uploaded it too. I actually learnt how to edit 'properly' when I was 17 but I'm super out of practice, so it's kinda run to challenge myself with a new mini project in the evenings. I've got a little list of things I'd like to film and share, so watch this space & subscribe here! For now, watch my awkward first video here.
四. A huge thank you to anybody that filled in my blog survey last week by the way. Little Daisybee turned 5 and I wanted to get a little more insight into how you guys read my blog and what you enjoy, etc. I won't be making drastic changes, just little tweaks here and there to make this a nice place to hang out with a CAWFEE after-hours. If you haven't already filled it in, I'd love you to do so here.
五. My Project Life scrapbook bits arrived yesterday and I'm already getting to grips with putting bits together. I used to be an avid scrapbooker through secondary school and this feels so nostalgic yet fun and new at the same time. Let me know if you'd like me to perhaps post monthly updates or "tours" as I'm frickin' obsessed with it all (:
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