Apple TV+ There is an American subscription streaming service, which is also very popular in India. Many of the best movies and shows from around the world are available to watch on this video streaming platform. The price of Apple TV Plus subscription service in India is Rs.99 per month. The company also gives 7 days free trial to the users. However, right now the company is giving this service free to the users for the entire 2 months. If you are an Apple user and were thinking of getting Apple TV Plus subscription, then this is a great opportunity for you. You can access 2 months of Apple TV Plus content for free.
Apple company often offers such offers to promote a particular show on the streaming platform. Now once again the company has introduced this offer to promote a new series. The Jennifer Garner starrer series titled ‘The Last Thing He Told Me’ is streaming on Apple TV+. To promote this series, the company has introduced a free subscription offer for a limited time.
Users will be able to access Apple TV Plus service for 2 months free by taking advantage of this offer. After this, if they like this platform, then they can continue the service by paying Rs 99 per month.
Let us know how to claim this offer-
first step
First of all go to the official microsite of Apple TV+.
second step
You can also click here for the offer.
third step
Now you will see “Accept Two Months Free” button, click on it for free subscription.
fourth step
Now the Apple TV app will open on your mobile phone or laptop.
fifth step
Here you have to enter your Apple ID and password.
sixth step
Now you will get to see the details of free subscription through a pop-up message.
seventh step
After this you have to click on “Confirm” to avail the offer.
eighth step
After confirming, you will be able to enjoy the shows and movies available on the Apple TV+ platform.