American company Apple launched iPad Pro globally last year with M2 processor. Now the company is working on its new iPad Pro. Meanwhile, many reports related to the upcoming tablet came out, which revealed its features. Now the tipster has shared the details of the display and processor of the iPad Pro.
Will be equipped with a 14.1-inch large screen
A report by Gadgets 360 states that Tipster 941 claims that the upcoming iPad Pro will come with a 14.1-inch display. Its refresh rate will be 60Hz. M3 Pro chipset can be given to power it. At the same time, this tab will work on the upcoming iPadOS 17 operating system. Other than that, no information has been found.
It has been further told in the report that this upcoming tablet can be launched next year. It is likely to be priced in the premium range and can be made available in multiple color options. Although, Apple Has not yet given any update related to the launch of the upcoming iPad Pro.
Other features can be like this
According to the media reports that have come in the past, then the upcoming iPad Pro can be given fast charging supporting battery and single camera in the rear, but the information about its lens has not been found. Apart from this, this tab can be equipped with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and Lightning port.
iPad Pro (2022) details
For your information, let us tell you that currently 11-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pro are present in Apple’s portfolio. Their price has been kept at Rs 81,900 and Rs 1,12,900 respectively. This tablet can be purchased from the official website, store and shopping platforms like Amazon and Flipkart.
Now look at the features of this tab, it comes with Liquid Retina display. Its resolution is 1,688×2,388 pixels and refresh rate is 120Hz. It has also got the support of ProMotion. Furthermore, the tablet is tipped to feature an M2 processor as well as connectivity specs such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, and charging port.
Apart from iPad Pro, the company also launched MacBook Pro. A 14-inch screen is available in this laptop. Apart from this, the M2 Pro processor has been given in the laptop. At the same time, the price of this MacBook Pro has been kept in the premium range.