The holiday season is here. Everywhere I go, I see ornaments and glitter and garlands! Unlike the rest of the country though, we don't actually have an actual fall or winter season here in Florida. This leads me to overdo Thanksgiving and Christmas in my home with decorations and food. I also like my home to smell like the holidays have arrived. I buy candles for every room and keep a room spray handy. I make sure they are scented candles too, especially the Apple Cinnamon Cheer™ candles from the Glade® Winter Collection! Anything to make my house feel like all the holiday specials I watch on TV.

Lighting my Apple Cinnamon Cheer™ candles for the first time this season brought a huge smile to my face. I am ready. Ready to decorate, ready to cook and ready to bake. Saturday morning Amberly and I were up early and got inspired by my new candles. We love to bake muffins together and that day we were going to make Apple Cinammon muffins.

Apple Cinnamon MuffinsMakes 12 muffins
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour3/4 cup granulated sugar1 1/2 tsp baking powder2 tsp ground cinnamon1/2 cup milk1/3 cup melted butter1 tsp vanilla1 egg, slightly beaten1 medium apple, chopped
Glaze:1/2 cup granulated sugar2 tsp ground cinnamon1/4 cup melted butter
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease (or use muffin cups) a 12-cup muffin pan, set aside.

Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and cinnamon in bowl. Add milk, butter, vanilla and egg and stir until moistened.

Add the apples. I used two small Gala apples in my recipe because my family loves apples. Don't chop them too small, you want to make sure you can see and taste your apple pieces!

Spoon batter into prepared pan. Bake 20-23 minutes or until lightly browned. Let stand 5 minutes; remove from pan. Be prepared for the most amazing smell that will overtake your kitchen!!!

In a small bowl, mix sugar, cinnamon and butter for glaze. Once the muffins have cooled a bit (about 15 minutes) take a muffin and dip the top in the glaze and twist. Make sure to cover all the top of the muffin. Repeat until all muffins have been glazed.

These muffins are amazing! The glaze just puts them over the top. We had some for breakfast on Saturday and then as a snack throughout the day. These muffins will definitely be making various appearances during this holiday season!

I bought my Glade® candles at Publix. I love the Apple Cinnamon Cheer™ scent but they also carry a Sparkling Spruce™ scent, a Frosted Cookie Party™ scent and the exclusive Gingerbread Jingle™! With the coupons available in the 12/7/14 newspapers and on, you can count on me being back in Publix buying every single scent to get my home ready and smelling delicious for all of our holiday celebrations!

Do you have a favorite holiday scent? What's that one scent that once you smell it, it brings back all sorts of cherished holiday memories?