Last Updated on 1 December, 2022
Apex Legends Golden Ticket Guide – Follow these tips and tricks to get the golden ticket in Apex Legends. Here we go!
The weekly storyline for Apex Legends concludes 20 days after the season is over. You can view the brand-new map “Divided Moon” with Golden Tickets.
Apex Legends Golden Ticket Guide – How to Start
Select the game mode switcher located in the lower left corner of the main lobby screen. You can see a little image of a Golden Ticket floating in space in the upper right corner of the mode selection screen. A countdown meter next to the image that reads “A New Home” appears to indicate that the Golden Tickets will begin to function on October 18.
It’s simple to understand. 125 crafting materials are needed for the Golden Ticket, and Apex Legends matches are chaotic. We’ve learnt a lot, so we’ve compiled a short list of recommendations to make it as simple as possible to get this pre-season teaser. Use these suggestions to easily obtain your Golden Ticket.
Apex Legends Golden Ticket – Tips & Tricks
Squad Goals
Utilize a pre-made team for your game. This needs to be reinforced often. If you don’t already have any offline, you might search online for allies. It’s courteous to explain the rules of the game when playing with strangers.
Look and Craft
Finding the supplies you need for your upcoming craft project doesn’t have to be as challenging as you might imagine. Five raw materials for your upcoming project will be given to you if you open a supply chest. Don’t be afraid to take any Supply Bins before your fellow soldiers; just be sure to distribute the actual loot equitably among your unit.
Stealth is your best friend
Even while we enjoy hot dropping, there are certain situations in which it is appropriate, such as when we are not attempting to survive long enough to collect 125 crafting materials in order to create a Golden Ticket. You may want to land close to a POI with a Replicator, spend some time opening Supply Bins while you wait for the initial turmoil to subside, and then head to the POI with the Replicator because there are times when it’s preferable to keep quiet. This implies that you are able to raid deathboxes and canisters of crafting supplies simultaneously.
Use Replicators Carefully
Make sure you conduct a lot of study before you go in to ensure that your ticket-hunting excursion won’t take you right into an ambush. Using a Replicator can reveal your position. Once it is secure, head to the replicator and select “Golden Ticket” from the crafting menu at the top.
Use your prize as much as possible. The Replicator doesn’t merely spit out a Golden Ticket when you construct one. Additionally, it spits out a gold weapon that is fully equipped, which will assist you defeat any squads that are hiding out to ambush you.
Use your Legends Efficiently
Choosing a tale you are familiar with is always a good idea, but in this challenge, some legends will provide you an advantage over others. Because he can vanish, revive/respawn allies while he is invisible, and employ decoys to confuse foes, Mirage is fantastic. Due to their ability to keep an eye on their surroundings and search for attackers, Bloodhound and Crypto are also excellent options.
We’re interested to know how this Golden Ticket works. The countdown counter on the page where you choose your game option suggests that Golden Ticket holders will be among the first to see the new lunar-themed map, though we cannot be certain of this. The Golden Ticket’s mystery won’t be revealed to gamers until the following week.
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