Art & Design Magazine

Ape Inspired UK Street Art/ Graffiti

By Invisiblemadevisible @imv_streetart
Ape inspired UK street art/ GraffitiFive artists from across the UK were commissioned to paint ape inspired streetart / graffiti which we are guessing was to co-inside with the release of the new 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' film which is due for release this week. Each of the five artists were filmed while they painted their pieces and time-lapse videos have been published online. The clips feature work from Aroe (Brighton), Smug (Glasgow), Cheo (Bristol), Eject (Manchester), End of the Line (London) and Grafeeney (London). Check out our two favorite videos below.
Cheba in Bristol
Aroe in Brighton
All five ape videos can be view on the youTube channel here.

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