
Apamarg (chirchita)

Posted on the 24 November 2020 by Chandigarhayurved

Apamarga plant is also known as Chirchita, Latjira, Chirachira, Chichra. It is a very simple plant. You must have seen the plant of Apamarga around your house, in the forest or in the trees, but may not know it by name. Due to lack of identity of the people, people often consider it useless, but your thinking is not right. Apamarg (Latjira) is an herb, and has many medicinal properties. The use of Apamarga (Chirchita) in the treatment of many diseases gives benefits (chirchita plant benefits). In many diseases, including dental diseases, wounds, digestive system disorders, the medicinal properties of Apamarga are benefited.

Apamarg health benefit

The properties of Apamarga (Latajira) are used as Ayurvedic medicines, and cures diseases. If you do not know about the benefits of apamarga (chirchita), then this article is very important for you, because it is an apamarga plant which is found everywhere. You can treat many other diseases, including cough, urinary disease, skin disease, from dyspepsia. So, let us know what are the benefits of Apamarga (Latjira), or what can be the disadvantages.

What is Apamarg?

Apamarg (Latjira) is an herb. At the beginning of the rainy season, the plant of Apamarga begins to sprout. It thrives in cold weather, and grows up completely in summer. In the same season, the plant is also dried along with the fruit. Its flowers are green with pink buds. Its seeds are like rice. These are called apamarg tandul. Its leaves are very small and covered with white follicles. They are elliptical and somewhat pointed.

There are mainly two species of apamarg, which are used in medicine.

Both white and red types of apomorphic stems emerge from the stalks of leaves. It is long, hoarse, thorny. These contain microscopic and thorny seeds. These seeds are like small black grains of light black color. They are slightly pungent in taste. Its flowers are small, some red green or purple. The red apamarg sticks and the monkeys are of some red color. It has fine reddish-red stains on its leaves.

Name of Apamarg (Chirachira) in other languages

The botanical name of the apamarga plan is Achyranthes aspera L., Syn-Achyranthes australis R. Br., And is of the Amaranthaceae clan. Other names of the upway are also:

Names of White Apamarg

English - Chirchita, Latjira, Chirachira, Chitra

Urdu - Chirchita

English - Washerman's plant, Rough chaff flower; the prickly-chaff flower

Sanskrit - Apamarga, Shikhari, Surchalya, Mayurak, Mercati, Durgraha, Kinihi, Kharmanjari, Pratyakfuli

Kannada - Uttarani

Konkani - Kantmogro

Gujarati - Aghedo

Tamil - Nayu Ruvi

Telugu - Apamargamu

Bengali - Apang, Chirchiti

Punjabi - Kutri, Puthkhanda

Marathi - Aghada;

Malayalam - Vankatlati, Katalati

Names of Red Apamarg (Cyathula prostrata (Linn.) Blume)

Red Apamarg in -

English - Purple princess, Pastureweed, Prostrate pasture weed

Kannada - उत्तरनी (Uttarani), किरीमुलोइकाडन्तु (Kirrimulloi kaadantu)

Malayalam - चेरुकाटालाटी (Cherukatalati)

White Apamarg Benefits and Uses

Medicinal uses, quantity and methods of use of Apamarg (Latjira) are:

Benefits of Aparagar (Chirchira) in toothache

Dip the cotton in the juice of 2-3 leaves of Apamarg and make a foia. By applying it in the teeth, toothache ends .

From the root of apamarg daily cures toothache, as well as toothache, gingival weakness, and the smell of bad mouth. This cleanses the teeth thoroughly.

Benefits of the medicinal properties of Apamarga Plant in skin disease

In skin disease, Apamarga (Latjira) benefits from its medicinal properties. By grinding its leaves, skin diseases like boils and pimples and lump diseases are cured.

Benefits of Apamarg for Mouth Ulcer

The properties of Apamarga (Latjira) are beneficial when there is a blister in the mouth. For this, gargle by making a decoction of the leaves of apermeg. This cures the problem of mouth blisters.

The medicinal properties of Apamarg (Chirachira) in the problem of excess hunger

  • The disease of excessive hunger is called incineration. For this treatment, take 3 grams of powder of the seeds of unadulterated twice a day for about a week. This helps to cure the problem of excessive hunger.
  • Grind 5-10 grams of Apamarg and make Kheer. The problem of feeling more hungry by eating it is cured.
  • Eating unripe seeds also does not cause more hunger.
  • Grind the seeds of Apamarg (Latjira) and make fine powder. Add equal amount of sugar in it. Drink 3 to 6 grams of it with water in the morning and evening. It also benefits (apamarg ke fayde).

Benefits of Apamarg (Chirchira) in eye disease

Add 2 teaspoons of honey to the juice of 2 grams of apamarg ki jad. Eye diseases are cured by putting 2-2 drops in the eye.

Use of apamarg in eyeflu, eye pain, watery eyes, redness, and night blindness etc. gives best results. Clean the root of the root. Mix some rock salt in it and rub it in a copper vessel with curd water. Applying it like mascara is beneficial in eye diseases.

Benefits of Apamarg Plant after Injury

Mash 2-3 leaves of apamarga by hand and drain the juice. Apply this juice on the cut or peel area. This stops bleeding.

Cook the root of Apamarg in sesame oil and filter. Apply it on the cut or peel area. It gives comfort.

The medicinal properties of Apamarga (Chirichita) beneficial in wound healing

If an old wound has occurred, apply ointment of juice of aphrodisiac. This does not make the wound rip.

Cook the root of Apamarg (Latjira) in sesame oil and filter it. Apply it on the wound. This reduces wound pain. This also cures wounds.

The medicinal properties of Apamarg Plant uses in Fighting with Itching

Make decoction from Apamarg (Latjiira) almanac. Itching is cured by mixing it with water and taking a bath.

Benefits of Apamarg Plant to Treats Respiratory Problems

Apamarg ki jad works miraculously for the treatment of asthma. Drinking 8-10 dried leaves in a hookah is beneficial in respiratory disorders.

Benefits of Chirchita Plant in Fighting with Cough

Add honey to about 125 mg of alkaline base. Licking it in the morning and evening removes the phlegm stored in the respiratory tract and chest. Children's cough is cured.

Cough irritates again and again, and if phlegm is not coming out or if the phlegm has thickened, then the use of epilepsy is beneficial. In this disease or pneumonia, mix 125-250 mg of alkaline and 125-250 mg of sugar in 50 ml of lukewarm water. Taking it in the morning and evening benefits in 7 days.

Benefits of Apamarg Helps in Relief from Vaginal Pain

Grind the root, leaves and stem of Apamarga. Women should apply it in the vagina after delivery. Vaginal pain is cured by this.

Soak the cotton wool with the juice of the root of the appamurg. Keeping it in the vagina ends vaginal pain and menstrual blockage.

Grinding the root of Apamarga (Chirachira) and Punarnava in water and applying it to the vagina ends the pain caused by childbirth.

Benefits of Apamarg Plant Benefits for Menstrual Disorder

Menstrual disorder is cured by taking equal quantity of sugar candy mixed with the juice of Apamarg (Chirchira) almanac.

Soak the cotton wool with the juice of the root of the appamurg. Keeping it in the vagina ends the menstrual blockage.

Taking equal quantity of sugar candy in the juice of Apamarg Panchang and taking it helps to cure excess bleeding during menstruation.

Apamarg Helps in Infertility Problem

Women who are unable to conceive due to irregular menstruation or excessive bleeding. They can benefit from the medicinal properties of Apamarga (Chirachira). After the end of menstruation, take 10 leaves of this divine herb, or 10 grams of its root. Grind it in 125 ml milk of cow and sieve it. Take it. Keep in mind that it originated in the best land. By drinking it morning, afternoon and evening for 4 days, a woman conceives. If this experiment is not successful at one time, do it at most 3 times.

Benefits of Apamarga Tree to Cure Neoplasm

Apamarga has advantages in treating rasauli. Grind about 10 grams of fresh leaves and 5 grams of green coach grass. Sieve it by mixing it in 60 ml of water. Give it mixed with 20 ml milk of cow and drink it. Mix sugar candy at will and drink it for seven days in the morning. Use this regularly till the disease is cured. This cures uterine (Rasoli) disease in the uterus.

Apamarg Plant is Beneficial for Normal Pregnancy

Women can also take advantage of using Apamarga (Chirachira) at the time of delivery. Grind the root of one of the medicines of Patha, Kalihari, Adusa, Apamarg and apply it on the navel and vagina. This makes delivery easier.

Before the labor starts, tie the root of the apomarg in a thread and tie it on the waist. This makes delivery easier. Keep in mind that remove the root as soon as it is delivered.

Chirchita Plant Benefits to Cure Leucorrhoea

Ayurvedic practitioners use Apamarg prominently to treat leucorrhea. Leucorrhea is cured by taking equal quantity of sugar candy in the juice of Apamarg almanac.

Benefits of Chirchita Plant in Fighting with Chickenpox

Grind finely with equal quantity of turmeric and root of cassia. Apply it in the form of tilak on the nails and head of hands and feet. It does not remove chicken pox. If smallpox has come out, then grind the clean root of Apamarga (Chirachira) and apply it on the pimples, it ends the burning sensation of the body.

Red Apamarg Benefits and Uses

Lal Apamarg has the following advantages: -

Consumption of red apamarg(Chirchita) is beneficial to increase hunger

The medicinal properties of red apparg (Chirachira) are beneficial in increasing appetite. Make a decoction of the root or almanac of red apomarg. Take 10-30 ml decoction. This increases appetite.

The medicinal properties of red apamarga (Chirichita) relieve constipation

Constipation is cured by taking 1-2 grams powder of apamarga (Chirachira) and powder of leaves. Before taking remedy, please consult an Ayurvedic doctor.

Chirchita Plant Benefits to Treat Urinary Problems

Mix sugar in 10-30 ml decoction made from red apamarga leaves. By taking it, it is useful to cure urinary problems like urination and difficulty in passing urine.

Chirchita Plant Uses to Cure Dysentery and Cholera

Make a decoction of the root or almanac of red apomarg. Taking 10-30 ml of this mixture is beneficial in dysentery and cholera.

Useful parts of Apamarg?

These parts of Apamarga (Chirachira) can be used: -

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