Yay, it's great news for everyone here in UK.
According to Anya Briggs (speaking via Skype from New York in the video below), a Rebel Faction of the 'Corporate War Machine' has stepped in and nullified the 'plan to detonate a Nuclear Weapon at this year's London 2012 Olympic Games. UNQUOTE.
Among other issues, extra-and-intra-dimensional. I love the way she talks about the way the FEATHERY ANGELS from my 2008 Silverthought novel 'Planet of the Owls' grip into the back of the shoulders with their claws.
Her 'semi-circle of aliens' sound a lot like my 2006 Bablock Hythe vision but remember, I don't believe ANY of this insane UFO/spirit-side aspect, but THEY might, and so might YOU.