Belgium hosts their first blockchain and NFT incident, WEB32. Yes! This European real-life event offers an inspiring deep dive into blockchain, NFTs and the metaverse.
Targeting blockchain professionals, but also other interested parties, the Web32 event is helping everyone in Antwerp discover the potential of this new digital domain!
First of all, you will expect an incredible Conference titled Helping web3 experts find the possibility of blockchain. Then, there can also be an Expo, enabling attendees to encounter the tech firsthand! Additionally, there will be a host of specialists providing pragmatic data and grades from brand new NFT and metaverse programs. Not only that, those peeking to discover a career or a new business friend will have a lot of opportunities. To sum up, the networking chances for producers and the population are replete!
Nonetheless, this isn’t your particular corporate network incident. Instead, this is an actual Rendez-Vous with the community who attempt with this creative technology, create empirical applications and paved the road ahead.
The initial set of lecturers contains; Diego Borgo (metaverse native, former Adidas strategist) Timmu Toke (avatar across platforms), and Evelyn Mora (metaverse Digital Village). Later the incident moreover partnered with Venly (blockchain APIs with 2M end users), Signum by HB Antwerp (how blockchain affected the diamantsector) and finally, the City of Antwerp.
Antwerp Embraces The Metaverse With The Web32 NFT & Blockchain Event
Today on June 9, Antwerp in Belgium hosts its first blockchain and NFT event, WEB32. Yes! This European real-life event offers an inspiring deep dive into blockchain, NFTs and the metaverse.
Targeting blockchain professionals, but also other interested parties, the Web32 event is helping everyone in Antwerp discover the potential of this new…
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