Links to Hot News.... Around the Web, via All News PipeLine
* Islamic State magazine Dabiq’s disturbing apocalyptic message
* Dozens Of Children Dead After Vaccinations - Sabotage Suspected
* Isil want to assassinate the Pope, says Iraq's ambassador to Vatican
* What Could Go Wrong for GOP?
* ISIS sympathizers threaten Times Square
* John Kerry Schooled On Islamic Terrorism By Egyptian Counterpart
* Ebola: Cuba Sends Doctors, US Sends Troops
* Top Lib: “I’d Lay Money on Rand Paul Being the Next President”
* Go time: Illegals rushing border fearing U.S. crackdown
* Qaeda branches urge unity against US-led 'war on Islam'
* Obama To Send 3,000 Troops Into Ebola Zone
* US Soldier Allegedly Smuggled Illegal Aliens Into TX
* DHS Adviser Let Go Amid Allegations of Cover Up
* Edward Snowden Reveals US Tapped Australian/NZ ...
* David Cameron begs Scots not to leave the UK