Lifestyle Magazine

Another Round of Hilarious Tweets To Keep You From Losing Your Mind During Work, Staying Home With The Kids Or Anytime You Want To Tune Out The World.

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

We just moved into our new home and since I am trying to unpack my life in a new place, I decided to keep me from posting another rant, I’d find stuff that will make us all giggle a little and maybe have just a little bit better of a day. (That was a monster of a run-on sentence for all you grammar and sentence diagrammers). lol

So here goes. If you’re on twitter, go follow these funny accounts for more fun on a daily basis. Just don’t let your boss see you reading these instead of working… (our secret).

John is not here right now@PossiblyDrunk87 I understand touchless faucets are better for the environment and more sanitary but damn it you have to be a Jedi to operate half of them.

JuStaNotHerGuy@imajithnair· The female praying mantis devours the male immediately after mating. Human species prefer to stretch it over a lifetime.

Adam@adamgreattweet· Billionaires going to space is like first-class passengers of the Titanic testing the lifeboats when they saw the iceberg

Adam@adamgreattweet· Billionaires going to space is like first-class passengers of the Titanic testing the lifeboats when they saw the iceberg

Clanopath@Clanopath· Siri, what’s the shortest route from the couch to the refrigerator.

FRO VO@fro_vo· [olive garden] WAITER: *holding cheese grater* say when ME: look how bout we save us both a lot of time and you just hand over the whole block

That’s it! Just a quick read for all you ADD/ADHD peeps! Have a great week and stop watching the news!

Peace Love and Margaritas.

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