The picture above is the police mug shot of Mike Crapo. Mr. Crapo is a Republican United States Senator from the state of Idaho and is currently serving his third term in the Senate. He is also a mormon, and has told the voters in his state that he is does not drink alcohol. But that last part is a lie.
Early Sunday morning in Alexandria (Virginia), Mr. Crapo was stopped by police for running a red light. He seemed to be intoxicated so they gave him several field sobriety tests, which he failed. He was then arrested for DUI, and a blood test showed he had alcohol in his system above the legal limit for driving a vehicle (testing .110 when the legal limit is .08). Crapo issued the following apology:
“I am deeply sorry for the actions that resulted in this circumstance. I made a mistake for which I apologize to my family, my Idaho constituents and any others who have put their trust in me. I accept total responsibility and will deal with whatever penalty comes my way in this matter."
I'm not sure the Crapo understands the most serious aspect of this incident. He has apologized for his drinking and driving, but the drinking is not the worst thing he has done (although I would prefer he not endanger his fellow citizens by driving after he does it). There are lots of Americans who drink, including U.S. senators -- and that is their right (as long as they do it responsibly).
But Crapo is not just a drinker. He is a liar and a hypocrite, because he has told the voters of his state that he does not drink. To me, that means he is willing to say whatever he thinks the voters want to hear (whether it is true or not). And it makes me wonder what else he has lied about. Can he be trusted on policy issues, if he is willing to lie about his own religious and moral convictions?