The second of two guest posts from cocktail columnist, London bar reviewer & blogger The Barfly to celebrate London Cocktail Week and Halloween…

I'm not going to get all Nanny State on you over this most beloved of restoratives. Tastes vary. Some say more vodka; some say no horseradish. (If you are one of those, by the way, who say “No!” to horseradish, I will reserve the right to judge you harshly but that's my stuff.) I'm merely here to share with you my method and leave you to decide whether or not to go back to your obviously inferior version. I’m of the opinion that it’s the addition of the port that takes mine to the top of the pile.
Back at the turn of the Millennium, the festivities at Traquair House, the grand ancestral home in the Scottish Borders were concluded with Bloody Marys and blackpudding rolls for everyone in the district, courtesy of the Lady of the House. The kind of alms of which I heartily approve.
You may also be familiar with the Virgin Mary: a Bloody Mary with no alcohol. It is a good joke: it is a bad drink. Our Australian cousins, their larrikin sense of humor still intact despite what we do to them at cricket, have a much better name for a Bloody Mary with no booze. They call it A Bloody Shame.
For a great Bloody Mary you will need…
2 shots vodka
5 shots fresh tomato juice
half shot freshly squeezed lemon juice
8 drops Tabasco sauce
8 drops Worcestershire sauce
half spoon horseradish sauce
half shot port
1 pinch celery salt
1 pinch garlic salt
2 pinches black pepper
Method: Shake all the ingredients with ice and strain into a glass full of ice.
Glass: Collins (That, mein host, is the tall one)
Garnish: Stick of celery