Debate Magazine

Another Friday Fun-Day! Republicans - Lying and Losing. Still. Again.

Posted on the 21 February 2014 by Doggone
The radical right has been lying about Obamacare, and with every lie, they get caught lying by fact checkers.
Because they are right wing radicals, they believe apparently that lying is not wrong, that the end justifies the means, and that the facts are unimportant, so long as they can work people up into fear and hatred and paranoia.  In the radical right wing alternate reality delusion world, those are good things, those are SO good that dishonesty and being factually wrong don't matter. 
These are morally bankrupt people who don't care if they ACTUALLY bankrupt or otherwise harm ordinary everyday people.  The right is conspicuous for preying on people, for shamelessly exploiting people, ESPECIALLY their base.
Here is the most recent example of a blatantly false LIE from the right about the ACA, first the fake ad, then the facts:

From Salon - the REAL story
Boonstra’s central complaint is that she lost her old healthcare plan because of Obamacare, just like an untold number of other individual market patrons. But the ad also suggests very strongly that she lost her doctor as well, and has been saddled with significantly higher costs.
The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler beat me to the fact check. It turns out that she kept her doctor, and in a separate interview with the Detroit News, acknowledged that her premiums under Obamacare ($571 a month) are half as much as they were last year ($1,100). Her annual savings — $6,348 — are actually just $2 shy of the Affordable Care Act’s $6,350 “Out of Pocket Maximum” for an individual plan, above which the insurance company must pay every penny.
Either she’s unaware of that, or doesn’t want to admit it, because she told Kessler, “the premiums are half, but the out‑of‑pocket costs are so high that, for me, it’s unaffordable. My coverage is 80/20. Blood work, I’m paying 20 percent. If I needed a bone marrow transplant, I would only be covered 80 percent. Everything, everything I do now, I have to pay a percentage of.”
By “80/20,” Boonstra’s implying she has a silver-plated healthcare plan, but the 20 percent cost sharing only applies to costs incurred under the OOP maximum. Any individual on that plan who needed, say, a $100,000 bone marrow transplant tomorrow wouldn’t owe $20,000 out of pocket. They’d owe $6,350.
AFP spokesman Levi Russell’s response amounts to an observation that a higher deductible exposes patients to lumpier, more unpredictable costs. “Now her expenses are unpredictable, and that means unaffordable. It could be $600 one month, and three times that the next month. The reality of what she’s dealing with is much more involved and can’t be swept aside by saying, ‘you have an OOP maximum so quit complaining about your cancer.’”
More on that “quit complaining” objection in a moment. It’s true in theory that any ACA beneficiary — whether a leukemia patient or an accident victim — could be confronted with a bill for the entire OOP maximum immediately after she obtains coverage. Saving $6,348 over the course of a year doesn’t help much if you owe $6,350 in February, and if your old deductible was much lower, and you had a low OOP maximum that would probably seem extremely unfair. But what I know from personal experience and previous reporting is that providers will generally work with patients — create payment plans, allow them to pay in installments — if they can’t cover their full deductibles right away.

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